Adding a Person Contract

Steve Findon Updated by Steve Findon

A Person Contract record identifies the Contract Scheme that Services (Person Contract Services) will be placed under for the Service User (Person). A Service User can have multiple Contract Scheme applied at the same time by attaching multiple Person Contract Services. In order to this at least one Person Contract must exist against the record.

Person Contracts can only be associated to Person (Service User / Client / Resident) records.

To access and add a Person Contract:

  1. Navigate to People > People > People We Support.
  2. Open a Person record.
  3. Select Menu > Related Items > Person Contracts.
  4. Select the Create new record button to create a new Person Contract (or select on an existing one to view/edit).
  1. Complete the fields on the page, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.



Field Logic Type


The Person to which Contract Services will be allocated.

Pre-requisite selection.

Defaults to Person record as Contract can only be created from record.

Responsible Team*

This is the primary team responsible for the Person's record.

Default to the same team on the Person record.

Responsible User*

This is the user responsible for the Person Contract.

Defaults to the user creating the record.


Select the Location from which Services will be provided.

BO = Provider and will be limited to those records where its Provider Type has Establishment? = Yes via BO = Organisation Type

Contract Scheme*

Select the relevant Contract Scheme.

Only those relevant for the selected Establishment will be available for selection


Identifies the Funder who will pay the Charge for this service (if selection is the same as the Establishment, then this will be Private Care and the Service User will be Charged).

This field will be automatically populated based on the selected Establishment and Contract Scheme and cannot be changed.

Funding Type

You may choose to use this to categorise the funding.

Drop-down selection.

Reference Data = Person Contracts > Funding Type.

Person Contract Is Enabled For Scheduled Bookings?

This flag enables Scheduled Bookings to be linked to this Person Contract record.

Yes/No radio button.

Start Date*

Record when the date from which this Contract Service will apply 


Expected End Date/Time

Record the date from which this Contract Service will no longer be applicable.  Only record this when it is known 

Date and time.

End Date/Time

End date and time for the person contract.

See Ending a Person Contract for more details.

Only appears for existing Person Contract records.

End Reason*

A reason for why the Person Contract has been ended should be provided for auditing reasons.

Become mandatory when End Date/Time is entered.

Only appears for existing Person Contract records.

Reference Data = Person Contracts > Person Contract End Reasons.


If required, provide some supporting information regarding the mapping.

Free text input.

  1. Select the Save or Save and Close button on the toolbar.

The follow tabs will become available:



Person Contract Service

Used to record the services that will apply under this record.

Person Absence

This displays the same records as shown against the Person record via Menu > Daily Care > Away From Home.

Finance Transaction

List off the Finance Transactions against the Person contract.

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Person Contract Service

Ending a Person Contract
