Adding Beds to Rooms

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Once a Sub Location and Room(s) have been created, a Bed can be added to Rooms in the following way:

  1. Open the Sub Location record. The 'Sub Location' record page is displayed.
  2. Select the Rooms tab. The 'Rooms' sub-page is displayed.
  3. Open a Rooms record by selecting it from the list. The 'Room' record page is displayed.
  4. Select the Beds tab.

The 'Beds' sub-page is displayed:

  1. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar. The 'Bed: New' page is displayed.
  2. Complete the fields on the page, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.



Bed Number*

Enter a bed number. This is effectively the name of the bed.

Responsible Team*

The team responsible for managing the Room / Bed.


This will be pre-populated with the Provider you are adding the Room / Bed combination for.

Sub Location*

This will be pre-populated with the Sub Location are adding the Room / Bed combination for.


This will be pre-populated with the Room you are adding the Bed for.

Serial Number*

If the bed has a serial number attached, it should be added here.


Select the bed type. More records can be added to the Bed Types Reference Data.


Enter a description for the bed.

Row Position*

Enter the row position in the Room / Bed combination.

The following options are available:

  • Left row
  • Right row


Enter the order position in the Room / Bed combination.

Commissioned Date

Enter the date the bed was commissioned.

Decommissioned Date

Enter the date the bed was decommissioned.

Bed Contract Type(s)

Appears after the record has been saved.

See the Adding a Bed Contract Type article for more information.

  1. Select the Save button on the toolbar.

The Bed Allocation tab will appear.

Was this article useful?

Adding Rooms to Sub Locations

Adding a Bed Contract Type
