Configuring the Delete Booking Dialog

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Users are currently prompted to provide a reason when deleting bookings from the Schedule or Diary. This audit information is valuable, but the system can be configured to allow deletions without requiring a reason, improving user workflow.

The Booking deletion reason can be altered by changing the Value field in System Settings.

To configure the Value field:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > System Management. The 'System Management' page is displayed.
  2. Select the System Settings option. The 'System Settings' page is displayed:

The following settings determine if a 'Reason for Delete' is required when deleting a booking:



Default Setting


This is used in care provider scheduling if the user should record why a diary booking is deleted.



This is used in care provider scheduling if the user should record why a schedule booking is deleted.


  1. Filter to the relevant setting using the Search for records box or browse through the list.
  2. Select the RecordReasonWhyScheduleBookingIsDeleted option to enter the record. The 'System Setting' record page is displayed:
  1. When the Value field is set to true the 'Deleting Booking' dialog is displayed as follows:

  1. When the Value field is set to false the 'Deleting Booking' dialog is displayed as follows:

  1. Repeat the steps above if you want to change the value for the RecordReasonWhyDiaryBookingIsDeleted setting.

If you want to know how to add additional options to the Reason For Delete drop-down field, see the Adding a Booking Deletion Reason article.

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Adding a Booking Deletion Reason
