Adding Availability Types

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

An Availability Type represents the type of time period an employee is available to work. This is an optional step but gives Care Providers the flexibility of marking their Rostered Employees as unavailable, for example, due to contracted hours. Availability for an employee is recorded and can be validated to ensure the Staff allocated to a booking are available for the duration of the booking.

To add a new Availability Type:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Care Provider Setup > Availability Types. The 'Availability Types' page is displayed.
  2. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar. The 'Availability Type: New' page is displayed:

In the General section:

  1. Enter a unique Name in the field provided.
  2. Enter the Precedence in the field provided. The value enter has to be numeric, unique and sequential from all of the available Availability Type records.

The current out-of-box Precedence values for the Availability Types are as follows:

  • 1 - Standard
  • 2 - Overtime

These display in the ‘Create Availability’ dialog as follows:

This dialog appears when adding availability in the Schedule Availability section of the Availability tab in the System User record.

Should the precedence be:

  • 1 - Overtime
  • 2 - Standard

The ‘Create Availability’ dialog will display as follows:

  1. The Is this availability type a Fixed Working Pattern field should be set to Yes if it is applicable.
  2. The Responsible Team is defaulted to the default team associated to your user account. This can be changed by using the Clear Responsible Team button first and then using the drop-down or Lookup Responsible Team magnifying glass to find the required Responsible Team.

In the Validity section:

  1. For Diary Bookings determines when checking Staff Availability Type is valid for use on Diary bookings. This is defaulted to Valid but can be made unavailable by changing this to Invalid.
  2. For Schedule Bookings determines when checking Staff Availability Type is valid for use on Schedule bookings. This is defaulted to Valid but can be made unavailable by changing this to Invalid.
  3. The Counts towards Hours/Days “Worked” is defaulted to Yes and should not be changed.
  4. Select the Save or Save and Close button on the toolbar.

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Editing Availability Types
