
Introduction to Bed Management

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Bed Management

The Bed Management page is useful as it shows the bed allocations for the selected Provider and its sub locations.

The Bed Management page can be accessed via People > People > Bed Management.

The Occupancy at Date / Time field, which default's to today's date/time, but can be updated by you to show the status of the Beds for any date in the future or in the past.

Bed Allocation

When a Bed is selected, there no longer needs to be (but can still be) a Sub Location or Room selected first.  It will mean the list will be longer than if Sub Location and/or Room was selected

The beds that will be listed will be all those that pass the age/gender restrictions (where recorded for the Room). Should a Bed then be selected that is occupied or unavailable, then a warning message will show. Only Unoccupied or Unavailable beds will be selectable.

Additional validations have been added to ensure that:

  • If the Person associated to the Bed Allocation record is already placed in a Bed on another Bed Allocation record i.e. the dates overlap, when you proceed by saving the record it will end the other Bed Allocation record.
    • If the start date/time happens to be identical, then you will have to correct the issue before proceeding.
  • If you allocate a Bed, the validation in the system will check the date/times of the Bed Allocation record fall within the dates/times of any Person Contract Service - see below.

Person Contract Service

When a Person Contract Service record is ended, if a Room is allocated, the the following will be automatically actioned on the Bed Allocation:

  • If there is no End Date on the Bed Allocation, then end the Bed Allocation on the same Date/Time as the Person Contract Service.
  • If the End Date is later than the Person Contract Service end date (ignoring the time element), then the End Date/Time is changed on the Bed Allocation to the same End Date/Time as the Person Contract Service.


Discharge and Bed Allocation

When a Person Discharge record is created and saved, you will be given the choice to close the Bed Allocation record. The dialog will appear as follows:

Select Yes to close the open Bed Allocation.

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Creating Sub Locations
