Matching Bookings and Events

This article details the process of matching clocked events to bookings where they have not been automatically matched according to the parameters set in Time and Attendance Rules.

After the clocked events have occurred, the system will attempt to match the Raw Time to the bookings that have been set up in the Provider Schedule. If a clocked event exceeds the Matching Parameters set in the Time & Attendance Rules, then a valid booking may not be matched. The clocked event will be recorded in the system as an Unmatched Event and must be managed manually.

Unmatched events are periods of time that have been recorded from the clocked events but the system has been unable to determine to which booking the event relates. Examples include:

  • Unable to match: The period of time clocked in does not match any available bookings for the staff member/role. This may happen when a staff member clocks in outside of the matching parameters.
  • Unmatched: The staff member works a booking that has not been specified. This may happen if someone has been called in at the last minute to cover sickness.

To access a list of Unmatched Events:

  1. Navigate to Rostering > Rostering > Raw Match Times. This opens the 'Clock-In/Clock-Out Times' page.
  2. Select the Manual Matching filter view, to display a list of unmatched events.

Events can be identified by Logon Provider, System User, Contract, Clock-In Time and Clock-Out Time. Information regarding the Matched status and Acton Type (Clock-In or a Clock-Out) of the event is also displayed.

The Matched status will display "Unmatched" and "Unable to match". These are the bookings you should manage.

  1. To match a clocked event to a booking select the record from the list.
  2. Within the Booking field use the Lookup Booking button to find any diary bookings that match the date and staff member of the clocked event.
  1. Select the relevant booking to match it to the clocked event.
  2. Select OK to finish.
The ‘Apply Rounding?’ option in the Time and Attendance Rules allows you to choose whether to use the Raw Time collected by the CAMT for these events, or to apply the rounding process that occurs for automatically-matched events that fall within the matching parameters.

You cannot set the times of a manually-matched event to the planned booking times.

In some cases, such as for ‘undefined bookings’, a booking may not be available to select from the booking lookup. In this case, you will need to either update an existing diary booking, or create a new booking, before it is available to match to the clocked event.

Once matched, the Matched status of the event will show as Completed and the booking will be visible on the clocked event. The related booking will also be set to Confirmed.

  1. Select the Save or Save and Close button on the toolbar to finish.

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Configuring Time and Attendance Rules

Unmatching Events
