Creating a Care Plan

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The system allows you to create and manage Personalised Care and Support Plans (which we'll refer to as a Care Plan). A Care Plan outlines the care and support needs of a Person, as well as information relating to how Staff will implement any strategies and interventions to help meet those needs. It is a collaborative effort between the individual, their family or carers, and healthcare or social care professionals.

The Personalised Care and Support Plans screen is where the Care Plan for a Person is created and managed. A variety of tasks and actions associated with a Person's Care Plan are also managed in this area.

To create a Care Plan in the system:

  1. Navigate to People > People > People We Support.
  2. Open the Person record in the usual way.
  3. Select Care Plans, then the Personalised Care and Support Plans tab. The 'Personalised Care and Support Plans' sub-page is displayed.

  1. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar to create a Care Plan. The 'Personalised Care and Support Plan: New' page is displayed.
  2. Complete the fields on the page, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *:



Plan Agreed By

Select on whose authority the plan was agreed.

Date of Agreement

Select the date on which the Care Plan agreement was made.

Activity of Daily Living (ADL)*

The values here are setup in the Care Planning reference data business object for ADL.

Start Date*

When the Care Plan starts.

Set regular review cycle?*

When this value is set to Yes, the Review Cycle (days) field becomes available. This greys out the Next Review Date field, making it read-only.

Next Review Date*

If Set regular review cycle? = No, you should set this value.


When this is set to Authorised, the following fields become mandatory:

  • Date of Agreement
  • Plan Agreed By

Care Need Type

There are two options to select from:

  • Measurement: When selected, a Measurement Type field appears with values set up in the Care Provider Care Plan reference data business object for Care Need Measurement Types.
  • Normal


What care and support needs do I currently have?*

The information in this textbox should be detailed but concise.

What are my desired outcomes?*

The information in this textbox should be detailed but concise.

How do I want staff to support me to achieve my desired outcomes?

The information in this textbox should be detailed but concise.

Authorised By

Select the user who authorised the Care Plan.

Authorisation Date/Time

Select the date and time the Care Plan was authorised.

  1. Select the Save button on the toolbar.
  2. Additional records can be accessed from Menu > Related Items:
  • Attachments (For Care Plan)
  • Audit
  • Care Plan Reviews
  • Forms (Care Plan)

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