Adding Body Maps

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

You can add Body Maps to a Person record in the following way:

  1. Navigate to People > ​People ​> People We Support. The 'People We Support' page is displayed.
From the 'People We Support' page, you can perform quick searches using the filters on the left to find the Person record, or you can use dedicated Person Search functionality.

  1. Open a Person record from the grid. The 'Person' record page is displayed.
  2. Select Menu > Daily Care > Body Maps. The 'Person Body Maps' sub-page is displayed.
  3. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar. The 'Person Body Maps: New' page is displayed:

  1. The General Section will be pre-populated but if you need to, amend the Date Of Event if required.
  2. Complete the Care Needs and Handover sections.
  3. Select the Save button on the toolbar.

The 'Body Map' section will appear:

  1. Choose the Body Area by selecting the body model.
  1. Enter a Description of issue/injury/symptom in the field provided.
  2. Select the Save button.

The 'Body Map Injury Descriptions' grid will be populated.

  1. Repeat for any other body part.
  2. The Review and Monitoring section can be completed if required.
  1. Select the Save and Close button to finish.

The 'Person Body Maps' page is displayed with a record displayed in the grid.

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Adding Health Professionals
