Creating a Persona

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

A Persona enables assigning of a group of Security Profiles to users which are applicable to their job role. Personas are a quick and easy method for System Administrators to provide users with the appropriate access rights for their role, without the need of assigning Security Profiles individually to their user accounts.

For example, you wish to create a 'Quality & Compliance' Persona, which enables users assigned to this Persona to carry auditing checks in the organisation. In this scenario, you would create a Persona which would include the following Security Profiles: 

  • Generate Mail Merge
  • Organisational Risk (Edit)
  • Person Complaints and Feedback (Edit)
  • Provider Complaints and Feedback (Edit)
  • Provider Complaints and Feedback (View)
  • Reportable Events (Edit)
  • Staff Reviews (Edit)
  • Staff Training (Edit)
A set of Personas are available out-of-the-box with the system and these are managed by OneAdvanced.

To create your own Persona:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Security > Personas. A list of any existing Personas is displayed.
  1. To edit a Persona select it from the list, or select the Create new record button on the toolbar. The 'Persona: New' page is displayed:
  1. Enter a meaningful Name for the Persona.
  2. If you don't want the Persona to be in use yet, select the Yes option under Inactive.
  3. You can set a Home Screen so when it is assigned to the System User, it makes available the Home Screen attached to the Persona.
  4. Select the Save button on the toolbar. The 'Persona Security Profiles' grid is now displayed at bottom of the page:
  1. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar in the 'Persona Security Profiles' section to add a Security Profile to the Persona.

The 'Persona Security Profile: New' page is displayed:

  1. Type in the name of the Security Profile or select the Lookup button to search for and select the Security Profile.
You can filter the list of Security Profiles by entering a value in the Search field and selecting the Search button.
  1. Select the required Security Profile using the checkbox.
  2. Select OK to close the dialog.
  3. Select the Save and Close button.
  4. Repeat the previous steps to add additional Security Profiles as required.

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Assigning System Users to a Persona
