
Main Menu Navigation

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The menu appears on the left hand side of the system with a set of options for you to select from. For example, when you select People, the following set of options appear:

The appearance of some options may depend on your access rights.

There is also a Filter available within each menu item that allows you to search for the option.

The main menu appears on the left hand and contains the following options:

  1. People
    1. Bed Allocations
    2. Bed Management
    3. Contacts
    4. Correspondences
    5. Handovers
    6. People
    7. People We Support
    8. Prospects
    9. Referrals
  2. Staff
    1. All Role Application
    2. Applicants
    3. Professionals
    4. Providers
    5. Rostered Employees
    6. Staff Contracts
    7. Staff Reviews
    8. Staff Training
  3. Rostering
    1. Capacity Planning
    2. Diary Bookings
    3. Express Book
    4. People Diary
    5. People Schedule
    6. Provider Diary
    7. Provider Schedule
    8. Raw Match Times
  4. Reporting
    1. Dashboard
    2. Reports
  5. Admin
    1. Admin
      1. Audit List
      2. MED e-care Medication Admin Errors
    2. Quality and Compliance
      1. Organisational Risk Management
      2. Reportable Events
  6. Finance
    1. Booking Payments
    2. Client Charges By Period
    3. Debts Outstanding
    4. Expenses
    5. Finance Extract Batches
    6. Finance Invoice Batches
    7. Finance Invoice Payments
    8. Finance Transactions
    9. NMW Top-Ups
    10. Payroll Batches
    11. Person Contract Services
    12. Person Contracts
    13. Personal Money Accounts
    14. Sundry Expenses
    15. Travel Reimbursements
  7. Settings
    1. Forms Management
      1. Document Categories
      2. Document Field Queries
      3. Document Fields
      4. Document List Fields
      5. Document Pick List
      6. Document Types
      7. Documents
      8. Formulas
      9. Mail Merge Templates
      10. Question Catalogue
      11. Word Dictionary
    2. Care Provider Setup
      1. Availability Types
      2. Booking Label Configuration
      3. CAMT Device Information
      4. Care Monitoring Chart Setup
      5. Care Periods
      6. Care Provider Settings
      7. DOM Time and Attendance Rules
      8. Point Of Care Setups
      9. Recruitment Requirement Setup
      10. Resource Images
      11. Risk Categories Management
      12. Risk Plan Level Management
      13. Scheduling Setup
      14. Staff Review Requirements
      15. Time And Attendance Rules
      16. Training Course Setup
      17. Training Requirement Setup
    3. Security
      1. Authentication Providers
      2. Business Units
      3. Core Users
      4. Data Restrictions
      5. Personas
      6. Provider Users
      7. Rostered Users
      8. Security Profiles
      9. System User Access Audit
      10. System Users
      11. Teams
    4. Configuration
      1. About Me Setup
      2. Customizations
      3. Data Management
      4. FAQs
      5. Finance Admin
      6. Health Setup
      7. Interface / Extracts
      8. Mobile Management
      9. Pathway Setup
      10. Pathway Task Catalogue
      11. Reference Data
      12. System Management
      13. Workflows
    5. Views & Dashboards
      1. Home Screens
      2. Navigation Widgets
      3. Secondary Level Configuration
      4. Summary Dashboards
      5. System Charts
      6. System Dashboards
      7. User Advanced Searches
      8. User Charts
      9. User Dashboards
      10. Widget Catalogue

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