Public Holidays

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Public Holidays can be added to the system and used across various areas of the system, for example, for Schedule/Diary Bookings and Annual Leave.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > System Management. The 'System Management' page is displayed:
  1. Select Public Holidays. The 'Public Holidays' page is displayed:
  1. Select Create new record button on the toolbar. The 'Public Holiday: New' page is displayed.
  2. Enter a Name, and optionally a Description.
We recommend using the naming convention that is inclusive of the Year, for example, "New Year's Day 2025".
  1. Amend the Date to the date of the public holiday. For example, you might have the following:
  1. Select the Save or Save and Close button on the toolbar.

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