Training Course Setup

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The Training Course Setup area allows organisations to create staff Training Courses to meet the Training Requirement. Training Course attributes include defining whether it's an internal or external course.

To add and manage Training Courses:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Care Provider Setup > Training Course Setup. The 'Training Courses' page is displayed.
  2. Select the Create new record button. The 'Training Course: New' page is displayed.
  3. Use the Category field to select if the course is Internal or External.
  4. If External is selected, specify the Provider of the training course.
The Provider of the Training Course is linked to Provider records with the Provider Type = Training Provider. The Provider records must be configured before creating External training courses via Staff > Staff > Providers
  1. Enter a Valid From date. This field defines when this course is able to be undertaken (active).

It is possible to configure setup records that are valid in the future if Training Course dates are known in advance, and this means they won't become active (are able to be worked on) until this date.

  1. Optionally, enter a Valid To date. This is inclusive of the current date. When the Valid To date is populated and the date is in the past, the training course setup records will be displayed in the 'Inactive Records' system view.
  2. It is also optional to define a Recurrence period. If a recurrence period is specified, this will impact the expiry date of a training course against a staff member.
  3. Enter a Course Description.
  4. Select an Instructor if applicable. This would be a Professional that has been setup via Staff > Staff > Professionals.
  5. Enter the Length Of Course (Minutes).
  6. Select the Save or Save and Close button.

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