Setting up Master Pay Arrangements

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Master Pay Arrangements are system rules that determine employee pay for shifts or bookings. Based on factors like role, shift type, location, and timing, these arrangements match criteria to specific rules and generate payroll data.

For instance, a Carer's early shift at a Provider, paying £10 per hour, requires a Master Pay Arrangement. This ensures that whenever a Carer is assigned to such a booking, the correct rate is sent to Payroll. With these arrangements in place, Payroll becomes automated, reducing errors and streamlining the process.

To add a Master Pay Arrangement:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Finance Admin.
  2. Expand the Care Provider Payroll section, and select Master Pay Arrangements.
  1. In the 'Master Pay Arrangement' page, select the Create new record button on the toolbar.
  1. Complete the following fields (mandatory fields are marked with *): 





This would be the name of the Master Pay Arrangement. So if this is a bi-weekly shift payment, then you should name it appropriately.


Unit Type*

Select from the following options:

  • Hour(s): This would be against the number of confirmed hours.
  • Booking: This would be the numbers of hours against the booking. So an 8-hour shift would pay for the full number of hours irrespective of the confirmed hours.

Drop-down selection


Specify the rate for this rule


Allow For Hybrid Rates

Allow for creating Pay Arrangement that will be used at the same time as another Pay Arrangement, when one is applied per booking/shift and another is based on length of that booking, and when Booking Payment will be calculated as sum of both rates.

Yes/No radio button

Pay Scheduled Care On Actuals?

When set to Yes, this ensures Payroll pay against the exact hours worked.

Yes/No radio button

Start Date*

Select the Start Date of the Master Pay Arrangement.

This means that shift payments using this Master Pay Arrangement will take effect from this date.


End Date

When ending a Master Pay Arrangement, this field should be completed.

This means that shift payments using this Master Pay Arrangement will end on this date.


Save as Draft*

Setting this to Yes allow you to build your Master Pay Arrangement before committing it to the system against Staff members.

Yes/No radio button

Apply To All Providers*

Is this Master Pay Arrangement applicable to all Providers? When set the No the values in the Providers field should be set.

Yes/No radio button


Select the Providers when Apply To All Providers = No.


Apply To All Roles*

Is this Master Pay Arrangement applicable to all Roles? When set the No the values in the Roles field should be set.

Yes/No radio button


Select the Roles when Apply To All Roles = No.


Apply To All Contract Schemes*

Is this Master Pay Arrangement applicable to all Contract Schemes? When set the No the values in the Contract Schemes field should be set.

Yes/No radio button

Contract Schemes*

Select the Contract Schemes when Apply To All Contract Schemes = No.


Apply To All Employees*

Is this Master Pay Arrangement applicable to all Employees? When set the No the values in the Employees field should be set.

Yes/No radio button


Select the Employees when Apply To All Employees = No.


Apply To All Contract Types*

Is this Master Pay Arrangement applicable to all Contract Types? When set the No the values in the Contract Types field should be set.

Yes/No radio button

Contract Types*

Select the Contract Types when Apply To All Contract Types= No.


Apply To All Booking Types*

Is this Master Pay Arrangement applicable to all Booking Types? When set the No the values in the Booking Types field should be set.

Yes/No radio button

Booking Types*

Select the Booking Types when Apply To All Booking Types = No.


Apply To All Person Contracts*

Is this Master Pay Arrangement applicable to all Person Contracts? When set the No the values in the Person Contracts field should be set.

Yes/No radio button

Person Contracts*

Select the Person Contracts when Apply To All Person Contracts= No.


Apply To All Timeband Sets*

Is this Master Pay Arrangement applicable to all Timeband Sets? When set the No the values in the Timeband Sets field should be set.

Yes/No radio button

Timeband Sets*

Select the Timeband Sets when Apply To All Timeband Sets = No.


Apply Duration From

Yes/No radio button

Duration From (Minutes)*

When Apply Duration From = Yes, this field is mandatory and should be complete.


Apply Duration To

Yes/No radio button

Duration To (Minutes)*

When Apply Duration To = Yes, this field is mandatory and should be complete.


  1. Select the Save and Close button.

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