Logging in Using SSO for the First Time

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

If you're logging in to your OneAdvanced application for the first time, or if your account has been set up to use OneAdvanced Identity (see Authentication Providers article for more information), you will get the following steps on your first login.

  1. Enter your Email address.

  1. Select Continue.
  2. If you have access to more than one organisation, select an organisation.

If you only have one organisation, you will not see this screen.
  1. Select Continue.
  2. Select Forgot password? under the Log in button in order to set a password for your account.

  1. Enter your Username or email address.

  1. Select Send.

An email will be sent to your email address with a link to set your password.

You will receive an email that looks like this, but will include your organisation's name.

  1. Select the Change Password button in the email, and you will be brought back to the Identity login process.

  1. On the 'Update password' screen, enter a New Password.
  2. Select Save.

When you have set a new password, you will receive a confirmation email.

If you receive this email and you haven't set a new password, please make sure to contact your System Administrator.

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Authentication Providers (for Reference Only)

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