- Additional Team (previously called “Works at” team)
- Ad-hoc Expenses
- Availability
- Booking
- Booking Type
- Booking Type Class
- Business Unit
- Charge Apportionments
- Charge Apportionment Detail
- Contract Schemes
- Contract Services (with Provider)
- Diary
- Domiciliary Care
- Double Up
- eMAR
- Employment Contract
- Employee Type
- Express Booking
- Gender Specific Booking
- Handover
- National Minimum Wage (NMW)
- Open-ended Absences
- People Schedule
- Person
- Person Contract
- Person Type
- Provider
- Provider Schedule
- Residential Care
- Responsible Team
- Schedule
- Schedule Availability
- Shift Payments
- System User
- Sub Locations
- Teams
- Void
by Mohammed Jamal
- Additional Team (previously called “Works at” team)
- Ad-hoc Expenses
- Availability
- Booking
- Booking Type
- Booking Type Class
- Business Unit
- Charge Apportionments
- Charge Apportionment Detail
- Contract Schemes
- Contract Services (with Provider)
- Diary
- Domiciliary Care
- Double Up
- eMAR
- Employment Contract
- Employee Type
- Express Booking
- Gender Specific Booking
- Handover
- National Minimum Wage (NMW)
- Open-ended Absences
- People Schedule
- Person
- Person Contract
- Person Type
- Provider
- Provider Schedule
- Residential Care
- Responsible Team
- Schedule
- Schedule Availability
- Shift Payments
- System User
- Sub Locations
- Teams
- Void
Additional Team (previously called “Works at” team)
A Team you sometimes work at, that you may get “borrowed out” to.
Ad-hoc Expenses
Captures expenses that can optionally be linked to bookings, person contract, providers etc. They also support uploading an attachment (e.g. the receipt). They’re also linked to a payroll batch to show when they were reimbursed.
Availability is simply a capture of when the Rostered System User is physically available to be Scheduled. This is normally a recurring pattern of availability for the resource when bookings are made.
An event that requires resources, typically the Provider and Rostered System User.
Booking Type
Describes the booking, for example, "Annual Leave" and "Care Early Shift".
Booking Type Class
Defines the resources required for the booking.
Business Unit
Represents the legal entity which can be arranged into a hierarchy. For example a group of care homes, where the Limited Company sits at the top as the Parent Business Unit, followed by each Residential Care Home sitting below as the Child Business Units.
Charge Apportionments
This mechanism is used when the Client wishes for other people to contribute towards the cost of their care. Often referred to as a 3rd party top up. e.g. family may be contributing.
Charge Apportionment Detail
Any Provider can be selected as the “Payer”, but a Person can also be chosen. These may only be those which are related to the Client.
Contract Schemes
Captures which Provider is the Funder (e.g. a Local Authority) and which is the Provider of the Service on the Person Contract. A Contract Scheme exists for every unique combination of Establishment (e.g. a Care home) and Funder. For example, if the Funder is the same as the Establishment, this means that the client themselves will be funding the Care (paying the establishment directly). If the Funder is a not the Establishment itself then this represents a third party that funding the cost of the service with the establishment e.g., a specific local authority, NHS body etc.
Contract Services (with Provider)
A Contract Service is a record of a specific service provided by the Provider. It links the Contract Scheme (defined above) and the specific service offered (drawn from reference data for Service and Service Detail).
A collection of bookings with specific dates and resources attached.
Domiciliary Care
A range of services put in place to support someone in their own home. Care is usually provided by home carers or private carers, who are professionals that help support people living independently in their own homes through daily visits or live-in care.
Double Up
A term meaning that a trainee worker follows an accepted worker on their rounds with Service Users (aka shadowing).
electronic Medicines and Administration.
Employment Contract
Also known as System User Employment Contract or just Staff Contract, is a record in which a Rostered System Users job role, contract type, hours per week, start date, and annual leave are defined. A contract must exist against the System User in order that they can be scheduled and paid (payroll).
Employee Type
The Employee Type governs visibility of records for the System User within Care Cloud.
- Core System User: Someone who logs in to use the system from a central location such as a Head Office. They are not based at a "Provider" location (i.e. a Residential Care Home or a Domiciliary Care Office) and they do not appear on the scheduling screens to receive a rota.
- Local System Administrator: Someone working with full system access specific to their team as controlled by 'Change Team Visibility'.
- Provider System User: Someone who logs in to use the system from a "Provider" location (i.e. a Residential Care Home or a Domiciliary Care Office) and they do not appear on the scheduling screens to receive a rota.
- Rostered System User: Someone who may log into the system if their role requires this. They appear on the scheduling screen and receive a rota.
- System Administrator: Someone working with full system access specific.
Express Booking
An Express Booking Criteria is used to perform an Express Book process. It is where you choose the Provider in question, and the date range/period for which the express booking procedure should create diary bookings.
Gender Specific Booking
Enables the list of Staff to be sorted with a preference for the requested Gender of the Carer.
Handover records can have multiple comments added to them – supporting an issue that may need to be handed over between many shifts, for example if it lasts for a few days.
National Minimum Wage (NMW)
The National Minimum Wage is the minimum pay per hour almost all workers are entitled to. In Payroll, Shift Payments are calculated with reference to the National Minimum Wage for the Staff member to ensure that they are not paid beneath the NMW.
Open-ended Absences
Described as absences when you do not know the return date of the Employee. In Care Cloud, short lived absence can be added through a normal booking, but you should create an Open-ended Absence against the User record when you do not know when the Staff member is returning for work.
People Schedule
Works the same as the Provider Schedule and Diary but is focused on working with bookings for clients. It filters bookings where the Booking Type Class is equal to Booking (To Service User).
If you filter on the Provider and try to add a Person to a booking the list of people will filter to only those People with a Person Contract with the Provider.
A Person record is used to capture information about any individual that is not a Staff Member/System User. This includes Service Users (i.e. Clients and Residents) but also their family members and others.
Person Contract
Umbrella record to which services are associated. Identifies the Contract Scheme that the person will be placed under. The Contract Scheme indicates whether the care is commissioned or private as it captures who is funding the Care Home “Establishment” and the Contract Scheme.
Person Type
A field on the Person record represents the status of the individual with respect to the Care Provider organisation.
- Person we Support: someone we’re looking after e.g. a care home resident
- Referral: referred by another party such as a local authority
- Prospect: Approached us as a potential resident/client
- Contact: none of the above, possible a relative or friend of a Person being supported.
The physical location (e.g. Care Home) – synonymous with a Property (could be named Provider/Property) – where care is being provided. Some of these can be very large buildings, e.g. converted stately homes.
Providers can be sub-divided into sub-locations for different wings/floors/out building etc. This is done so that work can be given out that keeps User within the same location (more efficient to administer meds all within Floor 1 rather than jumping between sub-locations.
Provider Schedule
This shows the Schedule for a single provider, containing recurring patterns of work for Rostered System Users. It creates corresponding Diary booking records when the "Express Book" process is carried out.
Residential Care
Delivering long-term care to people who live in a residential setting rather than in their own home or family home. Traditional residential care homes house residents (service users) from the Local Authority as well as Private Clients.
Responsible Team
When there is a Responsible Team field on a record, this enables the system and user to know which team the Record is with and the primary team in which the System User works in. For example, the Responsible Team on the Employment Contract enables the system to know which Provider the contract is with (assuming that there is at least one team representing the Provider).
A recurring pattern of booking(s) with no date associated to it.
Schedule Availability
Schedule Availability is used to capture “regular availability” for a Rostered System User e.g. John is available every Monday and Tuesday afternoons but only the mornings of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. In this screen we are not recording specific dates, instead we are recording regular availability on a recurring schedule e.g. every Thursday, every other Tuesday Morning etc.
Shift Payments
Automatically created when a Booking is confirmed that is linked to at least one Employment Contract for a Staff Member using Master Pay Arrangements.
System User
Anyone who works for the organisation is referred to as a System User, for example, a Carer, Cook, Chef, Groundskeeper etc. Regardless of whether they physically log in to Care Cloud, they can be added into the system and their records managed for various things including HR, Scheduling, Invoicing and Payroll.
Sub Locations
Providers can be sub-divided into sub-locations for different wings/floors/out building etc. This helps to track "voids" of empty beds.
Represent groups of Staff (for example, Carers) within the location (although linked to the Business Unit rather than the Provider).
An empty room/bed i.e. an unused resource. This is something that Providers of Residential Care would be very keen to minimise.