Adding Booking Types: Booking (To Location)

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Booking Types are defined by the Care Provider and represents the individual type of booking which a Provider delivers. Once Booking Types have been created, to enable their use, they must be linked to a Provider and an Employment Contract in order to enable bookings to take place.

In this article we will show you how to add a Booking Type for a Booking (to location).

  1. Navigate to Settings > Care Provider Setup > Booking Types. The 'Booking Types' page is displayed.
  2. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar. The 'Booking Type: New' page is displayed:

  1. Enter a unique Name for the Booking Type you are creating.
  2. Select Booking (to location) for the Booking Type Class drop-down.
It is not possible to edit the Booking Type Class once the Booking Type record is saved. All other Rostering functionality are dependent on this setting and should be considered carefully.
  1. Unallocated Display Colour and Unallocated Display Colour Preview is defaulted to 'Red' and not editable. All unallocated bookings will appear on wallcharts as red.
  2. Allocated Display Colour and Allocated Display Colour Preview is defaulted to 'Green' and is editable. All allocated bookings will appear on the wallcharts as green unless the colour is edited. Select a colour for the Booking Type as desired.
  3. Optionally, enter a value for the Default Start Time, Default End Time and Duration (minutes) if you think this would be useful to have when a booking is added using the Add Booking button in the wallcharts. If these fields are populated, the start and end times are also populated in the Booking dialog.
Bookings added via the wallchart on specific days/dates and times do not use the default times but will consider the Duration. The fields remain editable but can provide efficiency if bookings have set durations or times. The correct combination of these fields is necessary to ensure the times are logical.
  1. Optionally, enter a Booking Type Short Code using two alphanumeric characters. This value is the name for the Booking Type when used on the Timesheet Mail Merges accessible from the list of Providers.
  2. Select the Working/Contracted Time using the drop-down provided. This value is used to calculate how much of a booking is counted within the maximum working hours and contracted hours for an Employee Contract. The options available are:

Working/Contract Time Options 


Count full booking length 

The full duration of the booking is included in the calculations. 

Cap Booking length 

The duration of any booking included in calculations is capped. When this value is set the Duration (minutes) field is enabled and mandatory. 

Don't include in "Working" hours 

Is not included in calculations. 

  1. The Restrictions section appears for all Booking Types. The Valid From and Valid To are optional fields that can be used to control if a Booking Type is no longer valid for use in a booking. It is possible populate either date, but they must be logical if populated.

When a Booking Type is not valid, a new booking cannot be created using the type. If an existing booking uses a now invalid Booking Type, the user is informed and advised to update the Booking Type assigned.

  1. Select the Save or Save and Close button on the toolbar.

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Introduction to Booking Type Class

Adding Booking Types: Booking (To Internal Care Activity)
