Adding a New Role Application

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The Role Application feature is used to create applications for applicants during the recruitment process. Multiple Role Applications can exist and these details can be captured.

To create a New Role Application record:

  1. Navigate to Staff > Staff > Applicants. The 'Applicants' page is displayed.
  2. Open an Applicant record. The 'Applicant' page is displayed.
  3. Select the Applicant Dashboard tab.
  4. Select the New Application button.
  5. Complete the fields on the page, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.



Field Logic Type


Applicant record is selected by default.

Read only


Select the role the applicant is applying for.


Application Date

Select the date of the application.


Recruitment Status

Status of the recruitment application.

Read only

Responsible Team

Default team responsible for the record.


Responsible Recruiter

Defaults to the user creating the role application. Select the staff responsible for the recruitment.


Target Team

Select the team the applicant will go into if successful.


Application Source

Select where the application has come from.


Contract Type

Select the contract type applicable for this role application.


Progress towards induction status [%]

Percentage completion of the application towards reaching induction.

Read only

Progress towards fully accepted [%]

Percentage completion of the application towards reaching fully accepted.

Read only

Days To Hire

Number of days to recruit the staff member.

Read only

  1. Select the Save button to create the New Role Application record. 

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