
Charge Apportionments

Steve Findon Updated by Steve Findon

Where the Service User wishes to have one or more Third Parties pay some or all their charge (only applicable for Private Care), then Charge Apportionments can be used.   

To access the Charge Apportionments area:

  1. Navigate to Workplace > My Work > People > open a Person record.
  2. Select > Menu > Related Items > Charge Apportionments.
  3. Click + to create a Charge Apportionment record, complete the settings, and then record 2 or more Charge Apportionment Detail records to identify who should pay the charge and how much (£ or %).  The Service User can be selected as one of the Payers.  All other Payers (MUST have a relationship with the Service User) or Providers can also be selected. 

Once all the Charge Apportionment Detail records have been recorded, validate what has been recorded by clicking the tick icon on the toolbar.  Unless validated, the apportionment will NOT apply.  Validation ensures: 

  • More than one Charge Apportionment Detail record is recorded (otherwise no apportionment is required) 
  • The highest priority record has Balance? = Yes (because the balance will be picked up by the Payer of that record, to ensure there are no rounding issues) 
  • Where Apportionment Type = Percentage, that the detail records do not aggregate in the Percentage field, to a value > 99.99, otherwise there can’t be a balance 
  • A trigger record is created so that an automated scheduled job will run to update any existing charging Finance Transactions 
  • Note: Each Charge Apportionment record is unique for each Service User and these can only be associated with Person records. 

The following settings are available (mandatory fields are marked with *): 




The Service User to which the Charge Apportionment record will be allocated (will default to the selected Person as these records can only be created from a Person record) 

Start Date 

Record the date from which this Apportionment will apply 

End Date 

Record the date this Apportionment will end (only record once known) 

Contract Scheme 

Select the relevant Contract Scheme to which this Apportionment will apply 

Only those that relate to Private Care (i.e. Funder = Establishment) and where this Service User has a Person Contract record, will be available for selection

Service All 

Indicate if all Services against the Contract Scheme are to be included or not 


Select the Service (in conjunction with the Contract Scheme) to which this apportionment will apply 

Only visible where Service All = No

Apportionment Type 

Select the type of Apportionment 

  • Percentage 
  • Charge will be apportioned via a percentage 
  • The highest Priority Detail Number record will be used to recover the balance of the full charge (i.e. the 100% value) 
  • Amount 
  • Charge will be apportioned via an amount 
  • The highest Priority Detail Number record will be used to recover the balance of the full charge (i.e. the 100% value), BUT if a lower priority number record means 100% of the charge is recovered, then the records with the higher priority number may not be applied e.g. Charge = £100, Priority 1 = £75, Priority 2 = £50, Priority 3 = Balance? = Yes.  The Charge will be apportioned to Payer of Priority 1 = £75 and Payer of Priority 2 = £25 


Record the date from which this Contract Service will apply 

Suggestion: Create a dashboard that identifies Charge Apportionment records that are NOT validated.  If not validated, the Apportionment will NOT be applied


Once the record has been saved, a new tab called Charge Apportionment Details becomes available.  

Apportionment Details 

This tab is used to identify who will pay what under the Apportionment. 

Click + to create a Charge Apportionment record. Create as many records as required for the different number of Payers expected to pay the charge.  Each record must use a Different Priority.  The record with the highest Priority number MUST have Balance? = Yes 

These records will be validated to ensure there are no issues. 

The following fields are available for each Charge Apportionment record created: 

Data Item 


Charge Apportionment 

The Charge Apportionment to which this record will be allocated 

Will default as these records can only be created from a Charge Apportionment record 


System defaults to the next priority number not used (starting from 1).  A User can subsequently update this, as long as that priority has not already been used 

Valid priorities are 1 to 9


Select who the Payer of this charge apportionment should be: 

  • Person – only those People that have a relationship record with the Service User will show 
  • Provider – all Providers will show, as the list cannot be restricted, and any Provider can be selected 


Select Yes if this record should be used to charge whatever is left over after the other Apportionments have been applied to the full amount owed 


Enter the Percentage value, to 2 decimal places. 

Visible only when Apportionment Type = Percentage AND Balance? = No 


Enter the Amount (to 2 decimal places) 

Visible only when Apportionment Type = Amount AND Balance? = No

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