
Using Pathways

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Pathways define a dynamic set of information emerging from the assessment process. This allows staff to see the relevant tasks and workflows to do their jobs. Additionally, Pathways allow managers and supervisors to clearly see that their customer base is within the statutory process.

You have the ability to create a variety of reports capturing information regarding who is on a Pathway, at which stage, and the length of time spent on a Task, Stage, or Pathway.

You can add Pathways to Person, Provider, and System User (including Rostered Employee) records.

Adding a Pathway

You can add a Pathway in the following way:

  1. Open the record in the usual way. The screenshot below shows a System User record, but the principles also apply for a Person and Provider record.
  1. Select the Pathways tab.
  1. Select the Add New Pathway button at the lower right of the window.

The 'Pathway' dialog is displayed:

  1. Select the Pathway you want to add.
  2. Select the Save button.

Once the pathways have been added, you will be able to view them under the Pathways tab.

You are able to toggle to view all Pathways, otherwise you will only see the open pathways. You will be able to clearly see which pathways are open or closed based on the badge displayed in the pathway.

Pathway Stages

Clicking on the Proceed button will display the Stages attached to the Pathway and the progress you have made in completing the Stage and related Tasks.

You are able to view the Stages and Tasks of a closed pathway when you click the Proceed button as well.

Within the Stage view, you are able to see if a Stage is open, skipped or completed. You are also able to move between Stages by clicking the Previous Stage or Skip Stage button at the lower-right.

If you skip a Stage, a badge will display next the Stage to indicate that it has been skipped. You will be able to return and complete the stage at a later time if necessary.


If you click into a Stage, you are able to view the Tasks that have been assigned to the Stage, the status of the Task, when the Task is due, if it is overdue or has been completed, and who last updated the Task. Tasks are laid out in the order the tasks are to be completed. As you complete each Task, it will move to the end of the line and the next Task will display in the first position. You have the ability to undo a Task if you need to change or update a response.

If you are viewing a completed Task, just click on the Skipped Stage button to return to the current task.

A Task can have different button configurations depending on the requirements of the tasks. These can include the following:

  • Undo
  • Instructions related to an action such as viewing details.
  • Not Required
  • Marked as Completed

To help you understand your progress with the Tasks within a Stage, we have provided you with a Pathway Task progress bar. It lists the number of Tasks to be completed for the Stage and at what percentage the Tasks have been completed. If you undo a Task, the progress will update to show that change.

You can utilise the Advanced Search function to find Pathways, Pathway Stages and Pathway Tasks. This feature also allows you to create views and dashboards to capture the data most important to you.

For example, if you want to create a report or dashboard related to overdue tasks, you will need to leverage the Due Date field to show that information.

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Configuring Pathways
