Setting up a Payroll Batch

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

A Payroll Batch is a feature in the system that will capture shift bookings between certain dates and export these values for Gross Payslip generation and external pay systems. The process runs in the background as a scheduled job that runs every hour to ensure new bookings within the set period are pulled into it. Once the end date has been reached, the Payroll Batch will be extracted.

Booking is Confirm --> Master Pay Arrangement Calculates Value --> Shift Payment is Created --> Scheduled Job Captures Shifts --> Gross Payslips are Produced for Extraction --> Payroll Batch Extraction Complete

A separate Payroll Batch can be run manually alongside the scheduled job batch to capture any missed shifts from that period. This will not interfere with the original batch.

Dashboards in the Home Screens can be used to keep track of unconfirmed shifts across the organisation.

A shift/booking must be confirmed to be included in the Payroll Batch.

To set up a Payroll Batch:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Finance Admin.
  2. Expand the Care Provider Payroll section, and select Payroll Batch Setup.
  1. In the 'Payroll Batch Setup' page, select the Create new record button on the toolbar.
  2. Complete the following fields (mandatory fields are marked with *): 




    Start Date*

    Select the Start Date of the Payroll Batch.

    Provide the date from which Finance Transactions will be created using this record’s batching criteria.  This means that Finance Transactions will not be created for periods that any Person Contract Service is open prior to this date.  This effectively acts as a 'go live' date in the system for this record 


    End Date

    Extract Name*

    This would be the name of the Payroll Batch when it is produced. So if this is a bi-weekly shift payment, then you should name it appropriately.


    Apply to All Establishments*

    Is this Payroll Batch applicable to all Providers? When set the No the values in the Establishment(s) field should be set.

    Yes/No radio button


    Select the Establishment(s) when Apply to All Establishments = No.


    Process Automatically*

    Should the Payroll Batch be run automatically (Yes) or manually (No).

    Yes/No radio button

    Wait Before Processing (days)*

    Number of days to wait before processing the Payroll Batch.


    Extract Only Confirmed Booking Payments*

    If set to No, bookings that are not marked as confirmed on the Diary will also be included in the extract.

    Yes/No radio button

    Extract Template*

    The document template to use to display the shift payments.

    Drop-down selection

    Booking Date Criteria*

    Bookings started before end date of payroll batch

    Bookings ended before end date of payroll batch

    Drop-down selection

    Extract Frequency*

    Specify the Frequency (i.e. Payroll periods) Payroll should use and these will apply to the date records start on and how shift payments are broken down

    • Every Week
    • Every 2 Weeks
    • Every 4 Weeks
    • Set Day Every Month

    Drop-down selection

    Apply to All Employees*

    Is this Payroll Batch applicable to all Employees? When set the No the values in the Employee(s) field should be set.

    Yes/No radio button


    Select the Employee(s) when Apply to All Employees = No.


    Responsible Team*

    The team responsible for managing the record.


    Extract Only Records Within Payroll Batch Dates*

    When set to No, Booking Payments, Expenses and Travel Reimbursements with dates before the start of the Payroll batch will be included.

    Yes/No radio button

    Include Person Details?

    Select Yes if you want to include the details of the Person (the Service User).

    Yes/No radio button

    Include NMW TopUp?

    Select Yes if you want to include the National Minimum Wage Top Up.

    Yes/No radio button

    Include Total Booking Duration?

    Select Yes if you want to include the total duration of the booking.

    Yes/No radio button

  1. Select the Save and Close button on the toolbar.

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Setting up Master Pay Arrangements
