Training Requirement Setup

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Setting up Training Requirements ensures consistent training needs are automatically assigned to Roles upon creating Staff Employment Contracts. This eliminates manual data entry, simplifying record-keeping to managing updates.

Training Requirements are automatically applied to new Employment Contracts. The system compares existing staff training with role requirements and generates missing training records. This ensures consistent training for all employees in a role, saving time on manual record creation. For existing staff, updates to Training Requirements can be cascaded to applicable contracts, maintaining consistency across the system.

To access and manage Training Requirements:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Care Provider Setup > Training Requirement Setup. The 'Training Requirement Setup' page is displayed.
  2. Select the Create new record button.
  3. Enter the Requirement Name.
  4. Select the Training Item Type (see the Staff Training Items Setup article for more information). This is linked to a Training Course.
  5. Enter a Valid From date. This field defines when this requirement is able to be undertaken (active).
It is possible to configure setup records that are valid in the future if Training Requirements are known in advance, and this means they won't become active (are able to be worked on) until this date.
  1. Optionally, enter a Valid To date. This is inclusive of the current date. When the Valid To date is populated and the date is in the past, the training requirement setup records will be displayed in the ‘Inactive Records’ system view.
The training requirements will not allow duplicates of the same training item within the same valid time period. 
  1. Select Yes if the scope of this Training Requirement is applicable to All Roles regardless of Staff Roles.
  2. However, it is possible to make a requirement specific to one or more roles by selecting No. You can then limit the Staff Role Types that have access to this Training Requirement by completing the Roles field. Any setup record that is configured for a specific role will take precedence over the default records for all roles. 
  3. The Requirement status required for 'Fully Accepted' is a drop-down list that allows you to indicate whether the training item is Current or Planned. The setup record will be used to ensure the compliance of training requirements are checked prior to the Applicant progressing their Application to Fully Accepted. This section is optional. 
If the Care Provider Staff Recruitment Business Module is also enabled, the Status section is available.
  1. Select the Save or Save and Close button.

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Staff Training Items Setup

Training Course Setup
