Mark Bed as Unavailable

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The Unavailability Reason against a Bed will mark it as unavailable.

To find all of the Bed Allocations:

  1. Navigate to People > People > Bed Allocations. The 'Bed Allocations' page is displayed:

  1. Select the Create new record button. The 'Bed Allocation: New' page is displayed:
  2. Complete the fields, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.




Responsible Team*

Person Contract Service

Unavailability Reason*

This will be reference data and will be used to identify why a Bed may be unavailable.

It will mean a Person or Person Contract Service value can not be recorded.

Start Date/Time*

Finish Date/Time



After Start Date/Time and Provider have been selected, you use the Lookup Bed button to carry out a Bed Search as shown below.

This enables you to search using a number of parameters and when the results are returned, to clearly see the status of each Bed. Only the Beds visible and shown with a Status = Unoccupied can be selected.

You can select the Occupied hyperlink to view the Bed Allocation record:

  1. Select the Save button.

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Allocating a Bed to a Person Record
