Using Contract Services

Steve Findon Updated by Steve Findon

A Contract Service is a service that an Establishment provides. A Contract Service is allocated to a Contract Scheme, used to link to a Person Contract Service. It effectively links to whom a service is being provided with who is providing the service. These details are used to generate the correct Charge. 

Contract Services can only be associated with Provider records that have been identified as being an Establishment (i.e. having a Provider Type where BO = Organisation Type and Establishment? = Yes).

To access and add Contract Services for a Provider:

  1. Navigate to Staff > Staff > Providers.
  2. Open a Provider record in the usual way.
  3. Select Menu > Charging > Contract Services.
  4. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar.
  5. Complete the fields on the page, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.



Field Logic Type


The Location from which Services will be provided (BO = Provider).

Defaults to selected Provider.

Contract Scheme*

Select the relevant Contract Scheme. Only those Contract Schemes applicable for the selected Establishment will be available.


Identifies the Funder and who will pay the Charge for this service.

If selection is the same as the Establishment, then this will be Private Care and the Service User will be Charged.

This field will be automatically populated based on the selected Establishment and Contract Scheme and cannot be changed.


Select the relevant Service.

Service Detail

Select the relevant Service Detail.

Schedule Service?

This option is for future use so no need to set at present.

Booking Type 

This option is for future use so no need to set at present.

Rate Unit*

Select the relevant Rate Unit.

Batch Grouping*

Select the Relevant Batch Grouping.

VAT Code*

Select the relevant VAT Code.

Used In Finance Invoice Batch Setup?*

System identifies if this record has been associated with a Finance Invoice Batch Setup record or not.

Yes/No radio button - Read only.

Contract Type*

Identify if the Service is one of the following types: 

  • Spot (default) – The charge will be based on each individual Person Contract Service record with which this record is associated.
  • Block – The charge will be based on the rate record associated with this record and therefore it’s irrelevant whether this record is associated with any Person Contract Service records or not.

Rooms Apply?*

If this record is associated with a Person Contract Service record, indicates whether the subordinate BO = Bed Allocation (Occupancy) status should be applied 

Net Income?*

Select either of the following: 

  • No (Default) – does not apply 
  • Yes – applies, which means that a Funder is having their charge reduced with the recording of this record on a Person Contract Service, meaning the Establishment is instead collecting the charge 

This field is only available if the Establishment and Funder fields are not the same value.

Used in Finance?*

System identifies if this record has been associated with a Person Contract Service record or not (therefore Read only): 

  • No – updates to this record can be made 
  • Yes – updates to this record cannot be made 

 Company Code

Adjusted Days* 

Select either of the following: 

  • Charge End Date – the charge will apply up to, and including, the day the Person Contract Service ends.
  • Charge End Date Less 1 Day – the charge will apply only up to, and including, the day before the Person Contract Service ends.

Negotiated Rates Apply?*

Select either of the following: 

  • No  – the subordinate BO = Rates will become available as a tab once this record is saved, in order for the applicable charge to be recorded 
  • Yes  – the subordinate BO = Rates will become available on the Person Contract Service record with which this record is associated, and the applicable charge should be recorded there 

Permit Rate Override?*

Income Contract Service 

Select a Contract Service record that will be used to generate additional Finance Transactions, in order to recover a Service User’s charge from them. This is because the Funder has asked the Establishment to recover the charge 

(this option is only visible where Net Income? = Yes) 

  1. Select the Save button on the toolbar.

Once a record is saved, three new tabs will become available: 

  • Rates: To record the rates applicable for the Contract Service (only visible where Negotiable Rates Apply? = No).
  • Finance Transactions: When Finance Transactions are created and have the same Contract Service, they are listed here for information. No data can be added here.
  • Person Contract Services: This will display any Contract Services associated to the Person record. No data can be added here.


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Configuring Contract Services

Person Contract Service
