
v6.4.18 Release Notes - 4th March 2025 Updated by

Small Feature Updates

  • The Staff GDPR delete feature has been extended to include Audit Information
  • Reporting Dashboards with date filters and Charts will now carry the current date selection to the sub areas when clicked on. This means that when the users clicks through on a report the data they then see will have the same date range applied to it without the users needed to reapply the date criteria
  • 'Sexual Orientation' has been added as a Optional field to System User record - this shares the 'Sexual Orientations' reference table used for the Person 'Sexual Orientation' field
  • 'Initials' has been added to the Person Record. This is a free text field up to 10 characters in length. This is not automatically filled in based on the First and Surname as customer have shown a preference to choose their own initials based on common abbreviations used between Staff for the Person
  • Run Now for Invoice Batches - the behaviour for Running an Invoice Batch now has been improved so that the date and time of Run is easier to control
  • Bulk Run Now for Finance Invoice Batches - user can now multi select Finance Invoice Batches and run them via the Run Job now feature:

  • Bulk Run Now for Finance Extract Batches - user can now multi select Finance Extract Batches and run them via the Run Job now feature:
  • Bulk Approve Expenses - user can now multi select Expenses and set them to Waiting For Approval or Approved:

  • Pathways - if the last step of a Pathway is skipped the Pathway is no longer closed, allowing using to go back into the pathway and completing the last step or to close the Pathway is they wish

eMAR updates

  • The following fields are now read-only after save:
    • Date & Time Administered
    • Medication Error
    • Reason for Medication Error
  • The following fields have been added to the Error Correction feature:
    • Date & Time Administered
    • Reason for Medication Error
    • Medication Error
    • Reason for Early Administration
  • A new System Setting with in the Care Provider Settings for the time that can pass after a Medication was due to be Administered before it is set to Not Recorded
  • New fields and validations for Reportable Events to allow richer data capture.
  • New Complaints Category on Person Complaints
  • Sexual Orientation added for Staff
  • Initials added for Person
  • The Sync button has been removed from the mobile app as users found it confusing with a refresh button. The sync (for offline working) is now controlled solely within the menu option
  • An audit tab has been added to the About Me page , to allow easy access to the Audit and to abide to PRSB Standards
  • Rostering
    • Travel Time validations are now applied to BTC 5 bookings
    • Improvement to the format of the information about the booking(s) which will be deallocated when an Open Ended Absences is created
    • Changed the validation on booking Overrides for the Attendance Start/End date time so that there is more flexibility to overrides these
    • Google Integration - Google have introduced new APIs for Mileage and Distance calculations as of the 1st of March 2025. Customer who have signed up to the API before this date do not require a change. The guide for this will be updated for new API configurations and this release includes changes for compatibility with the new APIs. Integrating Maps for Rostering Travel Time and Distance

Invoice Template Configuration

More information is now available to be added into an invoice

Rota Print Out

A new Mail Merge Template is now available which exports all Bookings for all types of Providers where Scheduling is enabled. The Template name is "Staff Rota - Variable Dates - Monday to Sunday ..." with a suffix of 'A3' or 'A4', allowing the user to pick the most appropriate for them. A date picker is also available so that user can choose their own date range for the Rota.

Charting For Fluids

Extending on the current Charting Feature, Fluid Charts can now be produced.

Concurrent Bookings in Mobile App

Bookings can now be started in parallel in the Mobile App to allow for Care Settings where a Staff member is scheduled to provide 1-1 Care with multiple People at the same location within the same time period. For example - where a Staff member attends a Bungalow that for 5 hours and provides care to three people who live there during that time with the Supported Living Care Setting.

To allows this, the Roster should have the Booking Type Clash rules set to 'allow' or 'warn' for BTC5 bookings overlap.

Reportable Events

To improve the data quality of reportable events:

  • “Action Type” and “Action Taken” are now mandatory fields on the Action Tab
  • “Duration (Minutes)” Field has been added to the Behaviour Tab
  • 'Notes' are now mandatory on the Details Tab
  • "Impact Type" has been reworked to use a new Reference Data Table "Reportable Event - Impacts Tab" which is controlled by Customers , instead of a set Pick List. Please update any usage (eg reports you have made) to use this new "Impact Type" field (it has the same name as the old pick list field but is a new field in the database). A script is run as part of this release to move old data from the old field to the new.

Full Body Map Update

A new Body Type "Full Body Detail" has been added to replace the old "Full Body" type.

The new type allows a higher level of detail on the body map.

Previously saved Body Maps using the old "Full Body" type are still available and unaffected by this change.

Staff Mileage Pay, Charges and Travel Override Reimbursement Features

New functionality relating to Travel Reimbursements has been introduced in 6.4.18. Previous functionality created calculated Travel Reimbursement using "Mileage", "Time" between bookings or a "Booking" flat rate. The additional functionality now allows users to override the calculated Travel in the Booking Drawer and via the Mobile App.

Security Profiles Required:

Payroll Booking Cost (Edit)

Payroll Booking Cost (View)

Booking Drawer:

A new section called “Travel Reimbursement” has been added to the Staff tab of the Booking Drawer this details the:

  • Travel Reimbursement Rate that is being applied for each employee
  • Calculated Travel Reimbursement Value
    • The value is editable if you have the correct security profile associated to the user viewing the record
    • An edited value can be reset to the original calculated value
    • Edited values are not stored so once reset a new value can be input

Mobile App:

New field added to the Mobile App called Staff Override Mileage this is available when Travel Reimbursements apply to the booking that is being logged:

  • When the field is populated, it will be shown in the Booking Drawer as an edited value with the ability to reset
  • Once the booking has been ended the value is no longer available in the Mobile App to edit
  • This can still be updated via the Booking Drawer until the booking has been confirmed or paid
  • If edited from the booking drawer the Staff Override Mileage value will no longer be available to reset to

Travel Reimbursement Calculations:

When the Travel Reimbursement Unit Type = Hours:

Duration calculation based on Diary Booking Staff date/times in priority order:

  1. Override Attendance Times when they exist
  2. Attendance times when they exist
  3. Planned times when no attendance times exist


BO: Expenses

Expenses can now be set to "waiting for approval" and "approved" from the system view in bulk using the highlighted toolbar actions below:

BO: Bank Holiday Rules

Bank Holiday Rules can now be applied to extended hours to pay the rate before the start or after the end of the Bank Holiday Date.

When "Apply Extended Bank Holiday Hours" is set to Yes new fields will appear and be mandatory:

  1. Start Time
  2. End Time
  3. Apply To The Day Before Bank Holiday
  4. Apply to the Day After Bank Holiday

BO: System User

  • Employee Payroll ID is mandatory when business module is active
    • Add to key information
    • Position

BO: Provider

Rename Field: Company Code

New Name: Finance Company Code

  • New Field: Payroll Company Code
    • Numeric
      • 4 digits
      • No decimal values
    • Min Value 0001
    • Max value 9999
    • Position

Defects Resolved

SF Ref
Jira Ref



Resolved an issue making the 'Outstanding Care' schedule hard to read/see in Dark Mode

Mobile App


Resolved an issue causing the Employee details to no longer be visible when the Recruitment Document become expired


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V6.4.17 Roadmap Upcoming Features (subject to change)
