Scheduling Setup: Bradford Factor Report

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The following covers the Bradford Factor Report section of the Scheduling Setup.

The Bradford Factor is a formula used in human resource management to measure employee absenteeism. It's based on the principle that frequent, short absences can be more disruptive to a business than fewer, longer absences.

This section has the following three fields:

  • Green Boundary: These are low impact, sporadic or infrequent absences. The top boundary of slider's green area (with the bottom boundary always at 0).
  • Amber Boundary: These are moderate impact, with a pattern of repeated absences. The top boundary of slider's amber area (with the bottom boundary being the green's area top boundary).
  • Red Boundary: These are high impact, frequent or extended absences that require immediate attention. The top boundary of slider's red area (with bottom boundary being the amber's area top boundary).

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