Adding Training to a System User

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The Training area within a System User record provides a comprehensive overview of all assigned training courses, including their current status.

Depending on system configurations, training course records may be automatically generated based on defined Training Requirements and Employment Contracts.

To add and manage the System User Training details:

  1. Open the System User record in the usual way.
  2. Select Menu > Employment > Training. The 'System User Training' page is displayed:

This list contains all of the training courses associated to the System User, as well as their progress.

The System Views can be used to filter the grid to focus on a specific status of training. For example, the Expired Training System View will show only the expired training courses that should be potentially renewed.

The standard grid functionality allows you to create new training course records as well as other functionality dependent on your Security Profiles. 

  1. Select a Training Item to view details of the record or select the Create new record button. The 'System User Training' record page is displayed:

Complete the fields on the page, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.

  1. The Regarding should be prepopulated with the System User.
  2. Select the Training Item and Responsible Team.
  3. Complete the Training Course, Training Course Start Date, and Training Course End Date fields.
  4. Add a Reference Number and Notes, if applicable.

The Status field is derived based on the information added to the record. After the record is saved, this field will update accordingly. The Status descriptions are as follows:





The training item and who it is regarding has been captured; however, a Start Date has not been set. This status is intended to represent training needs that still need to be managed. 


The Start Date of the training course is planned in the future. 

In Progress 

The Start Date of the training course is the current date or a date in the past and is not yet finished. 


The End Date (can only be retrospective; it is not possible to plan a finished date) and Outcome with a ‘Pass’ or ‘Completed’ are populated, and the Expiry Date is set to a future date. 


The End Date (can only be retrospective; it is not possible to plan a finished date) and a 'Fail’ Outcome are populated. 


The training course was previously in a ‘Current’ Status; however, the Expiry Date is now in the past. 

  1. Select the Save or Save and Close button.

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Training Course Setup
