Confirming Bookings on the Provider Diary

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Once the Payroll Batch dates have been set, any confirmed shift bookings made in the Provider Diary will generate Shift Payments and included in this batch and be available for extract at the end of the period.

To confirm a booking in the Provider Diary:

  1. Navigate to Rostering > Rostering > Provider Diary.
  2. To confirm a shift, right-click on the booking and select Confirm.

  1. This will change the colour of the booking in the grid to a Striped Yellow.
  2. Ensure that all the bookings to be included in the month’s batch are confirmed before the end date.
Bookings can be Confirmed, Unconfirmed or Reallocated before a Payroll Batch is run. Once the Gross payslips have been extracted, the bookings are locked in the system and cannot be unconfirmed. This is to ensure continuity of figures with a third party pay system.

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