Adding Transport Types

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Care Providers can define specific Transport Types available to Employees, such as Bicycle, Car, Motorbike, and Walking. This optional feature enables Care Providers to track how Employee travel times may impact their work schedules, particularly for travel to Care Homes or Service User residences in Domiciliary Care. While the system can capture Staff transport availability, its capabilities are only valid when you have set up your Maps Integrations - see the Integrating Bing or Google Maps article for more information.

To add a new Transport Type it must be added as a Reference Data record in the following way:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Reference Data. The 'Reference Data' page is displayed:
  2. Expand the Care Provider Transport Availability section, and select the Transport Types option. The 'Transport Types' page is displayed.
  3. Select the Create new record button. The 'Transport Type: New' page is displayed.
  4. Complete the fields on the page, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.



Field Logic Description


Enter the name of the Transport Type.



Enter the code of the Transport Type.


Gov Code

The Gov Code field should be complete if it is applicable.



You may choose to initially mark this Transport Type as Inactive. By default, its value is set to No. This means the new Transport Type will not be available for selection in the system.

Yes/No radio button

Travel Time Calculation*

There are two options available for the Travel Time Calculation:

  • Average Speed
  • Third Party

Drop-down selection

Speed (kmph)

Enter the speed in kmph.


4 digits only


Select the icon from the following options:

  • Bicycle
  • Boat
  • Bus
  • Car
  • Flight
  • Motorcycle
  • Other
  • Subway
  • Taxi
  • Train
  • Tram
  • Walking


Start Date

The date entered here, provided its before the current date will make the Transport Type visible in the system.


End Date

When the end date is reached, the Transport Type will no longer be a selectable option in the system. Any historic information with the Transport Type will remain in place.


Responsible Team*

The Responsible Team is defaulted to the default team associated to your user account. This can be changed by using the Clear Responsible Team button first and then using the drop-down or Lookup Responsible Team magnifying glass to find the required Responsible Team.


Mileage expense costs apply to this Transport Type*

By default, Yes is selected for Mileage expense costs apply to this Transport Type. Depending on the Transport Type that is being added or edited, you may change this to No.

Yes/No radio button

A cost is incurred when total journey time exceeds (minutes)

A cost is incurred when total journey time exceeds (minutes) indicates that there is additional cost when the specified time in minutes is exceeded.

Note: Only one "A cost is incurred.." field can be used at a time. Clear the value in one field to enable the other.


A cost is incurred when total journey distance exceeds (kilometres)

A cost is incurred when total journey distance exceeds (kilometres) indicates that there is additional cost when the specified distance in kilometres is exceeded.

Note: Only one "A cost is incurred.." field can be used at a time. Clear the value in one field to enable the other.


Average journey time (minutes)

The average journey time (minutes) between bookings is the length of time taken to get from point A to point B.


Maps Provider Transport Type

The following options are available:

  • Walking
  • Cycling (not supported in Bing)
  • Driving

Drop-down selection

  1. Select the Save or Save and Close button on the toolbar to create the Transport Type.

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