
Approving a File Destruction Request

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

System Users with the appropriate Admin Permissions can approve the record to be deleted before the scheduled start date of the deletion.

Appointments which are deleted as part of this process will not update any local Microsoft Outlook appointments if they exist.

The Admin Permissions for the First and Second Approval can be found in Feature Privileges when adding/editing the Security Profile:

To create the First Approval:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Data Management.
  1. Expand the File Destruction section, and select File Destruction (GDPR). The 'File Destruction (GDPR)' page is displayed:
  1. Open the record you want to approve.

  1. Select the Set First Approved By field using current user button on the toolbar. The following dialog is displayed:

The Set First Approved By field using current user button to approve the delete only appears for relevant roles. After the First Approval, the button changes to the Set Second Approved By field using current user button.
  1. Select the OK button.

The Status of the File Destruction will automatically update. You check the delete status to see if any errors occurred after the Scheduled date for destruction has passed.

Scheduled Job

There is a scheduled job to process File Destruction which can be accessed and managed in the following way:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > System Management.
  2. Select Scheduled Jobs.
  3. Search for and select the File Destruction job:

The Next Run Date field indicates when the Scheduled Job will run.

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Raising a File Destruction Request
