Adding a Diary Booking

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

To add a booking to the Diary:

  1. From the ribbon, select Booking. The 'Create Booking' drawer opens from the right:

The mandatory fields are marked with an red asterisk *.

  1. The Location / Provider field is set to the selected Provider and cannot be changed. Close the dialog, and select the Provider on the main Diary page.
  2. The Booking Type is limited to the valid Booking Types configured against the Provider. If a default is configured, the Booking Type may be prepopulated along with any Start and End Times.
  3. Start Day is defaulted to the current day, and Start Time and End Time may be prepopulated if the Booking Type has defaults configured. Depending on the configuration, End Day may also be defaulted. Change these values if they are not suitable.
  4. Select the Gender Preference Booking from Male, Female and No Preference.
  5. With the Booking Type selected, the Staff field is enabled and defaulted to Unassigned. For double ups, it is possible to assign more than one staff to a booking by selecting the Add Unassigned button. The Staff dropdown is pre-filtered depending on the selected Provider and the Employee Contracts.
Employment Contracts are located in Staff > Staff Contracts or via Settings > Security > System Users > Open user record > Menu > Employment > Employment Contracts. See the Employment Contracts article to see more information on setting up a contract.

  1. Use the Manage Staff button to assign Rostered Employees to fully allocate booking.
The number of required staff will be displayed in the dialog and booking on the grid. 
  1. A Sublocation may also be selected to indicate where a booking is taking place. The Sublocation selection is limited to the valid Sublocations configured against the Provider.
  2. If you would like the drawer to appear again after creating this booking, select the Create Another Booking checkbox.
  3. Select the Create Booking button to finish.

It is also possible to select a day and time using the bookings grid to add a booking. The dialog requires the same details as adding a booking via the button, however the Start Day, Start Time and End Day and End Time will be based on the position selected on the grid and Booking Type configuration. 

A Diary booking can span a different day, up to seven days. 

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