Removing a System User from a Team

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

System Administrators can end a System User's team membership by recording an End Date against the record. This allows a record of the user's team membership to be maintained.

  1. Open a System User record in the usual way,, and select the Teams tab.
  1. Select the Team record you wish to end from the list. The 'Team Member' page is displayed.
  2. Enter an End Date in the field provided.
  1. Select the Save or Save and Close button.

You may receive one of the following messages. Follow the instructions in these dialogs by changing the default team or ending/changing the Responsible Team of the Employment Contract.

Warning Message


Go to the Details tab of the System User record, and assign a different Default Team.

You will need to assign the contract to another Responsible Team before you can end the team membership. In the System User record, navigate to Menu > Employment > Employment Contract, and use the checkbox to select the contract in the list, and choose the Assign selected records to another team button.

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