Creating Transport Availability

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

An Applicant's availability to work can be specified in the system. Their work schedule availability is determined by the following:

  • Available contract schedule
  • Available transportation schedule (with mode(s) of transportation to be used)

To access an Applicant's availability:

  1. Navigate to Staff > Staff > Applicants.
  2. Open the Applicant record.
  3. Select the Availability tab.
  4. Select the Schedule Transport tile.
  1. Select the Click to create 'TRANSPORT' availability option on a day in the calendar to create availability for the contract. The 'Create Transport Availability' dialog is displayed:

  1. Select the Transport Availability type.
More options can be added to the Care Provider Transport Availability > Transport Types Reference Data.

The selected transport availability is visualised in the calendar as a bar. The default period is from 9am to 5am.

  1. To adjust the time, select and drag the ends of the coloured bar to change the start and end times.
  2. If required, select + to add another Transport Availability for the day.


Schedule Transport Availability cannot overlap.

  1. Select the Save or Save and View Diary button on the toolbar.

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Schedule Availability

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