Merging Duplicate Records

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

You must have a Security Profile with the following Admin Permission to merge records: Can Merge Records?

To merge one or more Subordinate Records with a Master Record, do the following. 

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Data Management. The 'Data Management' page is displayed.
  2. Expand the Duplicate Detection section, and select Duplicate Records. The 'Duplicate Records' page is displayed.
  3. Select the checkbox of one or more Subordinate Duplicates to merge with the Master Record.
  4. Select Merge button on the toolbar of the Subordinate Duplicates pane and select the fields to update.

The system does the following: 

  • Creates a Merged Record with an initial Status of Pending for each Subordinate record that was checked. This record displays the merged Master and Subordinate records and the status of the merge process.
  • A Scheduled Job starts the merge process and sets the Status of each Merged Record to In Progress.
  • Moves the child records of the Subordinate Record to the Master Record.
  • Sets the Status of each Merged Record to Merged where the merging of the Master and Subordinate records was successful.
  • Sets the Status of each Merged Record to Failed where the merging of the Master and Subordinate Records failed. See the Error field for further information.
  • Deactivates each successfully merged Subordinate Record and deletes the relevant entry from the Subordinate Duplicates grid of the Duplicate Record screen.

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Viewing Duplicate Records

Viewing Merged Records
