Creating a System Dashboard

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

System Dashboards are accessible alongside your personal dashboards (My Dashboards) and those shared with you by other users (Shared Dashboards).

To access and create a System Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Views & Dashboards > System Dashboards. The 'System Dashboards' page is displayed.
  2. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar. The 'System Dashboard: New' page is displayed:
  3. Complete the fields on the page, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.



Field Logic Type


The internal name of the dashboard.




The visible name of the dashboard in the system.


Display Order

The order in which the dashboard will display.



Visible = No means the dashboard will not be available for use in the system.

Setting the visibility to No initially allows you to work on your Dashboard before committing to share it with other users.

Yes/No radio button

Restrict To Security Profile

Limits the dashboard to the selected security profile. When this field is left blank, all users with access to dashboards will be able to see it.


Restrict To Persona(s)

Limits the dashboard to the selected persona/s.

Lookup selection

Is Default?

When set to Yes, the dashboard will display as the default dashboard.

Yes/No radio button

Valid for Export

Selecting Yes for Valid for Export will allow the information within the Dashboard to be exported. Selecting No will prevent this. This option indicates the Dashboard is to be included in data migration processes.

Yes/No radio button

Business Module

If the dashboard is to display a specific set of records, the business object should be selected.


Auto Refresh

When set to Yes, the refresh time should be set. This ensures the dashboard is displaying up-to-date data in the dashboard. It should be however be used sparingly as it may be disruptive on your bandwidth.

​Yes/No radio button

Refresh Time (Seconds)*

When auto refresh is set to Yes, enter the interval, in seconds, you want the dashboard to refresh.


Is Date Filter Enabled

When set to Yes, when using the dashboard, date filter ranges can be applied.

​Yes/No radio button

Date Range*

When is date filter enabled is set to Yes, select from one of the following values:

  • Last Month
  • Last Week
  • Next Month
  • Next Week
  • This Month
  • This Week

Drop-down selection


Enter a description for the dashboard.

Free text

Max 500 chars.

  1. Select the Save or Save and Close button.

A new Dashboard tab will display. It is in this area where you will design your Dashboard.

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