Person Contract Service

Create record(s) identifying the Services to be provided under a Person Contract.  Multiple records can be recorded. Once a Status Completed is recorded, via Trigger records and automated scheduled jobs, Finance Transactions will be created which will be used to batch up on a Finance Invoice to charge the Funder. 

For residential services where the Funder has asked the Establishment to collect the charge, there should be 2 records created (one for the Service and one for value of the Service User’s charge to be deducted). Configuration will allow to automatically charge the Service User for their charge, which has been deducted from the Funder’s Charge.

A Person Contract Service can only be associated with a Person Contract.

  1. Navigate to People > People > People We Support.
  2. Open the Person record in the usual way.
  3. Select Menu > Related Items > Person Contracts.
  4. Open a Person Contract record.
  5. Select the Person Contract Service tab. 
  6. Select the Create new record button to add a new Person Contract Service (or select an existing one to view/edit).
  7. Complete the fields on the page, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.



Person Contract*

The Person Contract to which Person Contract Services will be allocated.

[system will default as these records can only be created from a Person Contract record]

Contract Scheme*

Identifies the Contract Scheme

[system will default to the one used on the linked Person Contract record] 


Identifies the Funder and who will pay the Charge for this service (if selection is the same as the Establishment, then this will be Private Care and the Service User will be Charged)

This field will be automatically completed based on the Establishment and Contract Scheme selected and cannot be changed.


Select the relevant Service.

Service Detail

Select the relevant Service Detail.

Contract Service 

Identify the applicable Contract Service.

Update Finance Code 

To indicate if the Finance Code, which will be automatically generated based on the Finance Code Mapping, can be updated: 

  • No (default} 
  • Yes 

[This field is only active if the selected Contract Scheme has Updateable on Person Contract Service? = Yes]

Finance Code

Automatically generated based on the Finance Code Mapping.  If updated, this code will not be automatically updated again.  Instead, if a change in Finance Code is required and some point in the future, a User will need to update the value here 

[This field is only active where Update Finance Code = Yes] 

Account Code

Free text input

Start Date/Time*

Record the date from which this Contract Service will apply

End Date/Time

Record the date from which this Contract Service will no longer be applicable. Only record this when it is known.

Expected End Date/Time

Record the expected date from which this Contract Service will no longer be applicable. Only record this when it is known.

End Reason 

Select the reason for ending of this Service.  Charging Rules may apply based on what is selected to charge an additional amount 

[Mandatory when an End Date/Time is recorded] 


Specify the Status of the record: 

  • In Progress (default) – indicates that the record is being worked on and is not ready to be changed to Completed 
  • Completed – indicates the Service is authorised and Charging can commence.  This will also lead to a number of fields in this record being made read-only 
  • Cancelled – indicates the Service should not have been created at all.  It will lead to all Finance Transactions being deleted or, if already extracted for Charging, they will be contra’d and payments will be due back to the Funder (can only be changed to this where the Status = Completed) 

Charge Per Week

Rate Unit*

Automatically set this based on the selected Contract Service and the value set for this in Rate Unit

Frequency (in weeks)*

Indicate how often the service will be provided. A value of 1 to 9 can be recorded: 

  • 1 (default) = every week 
  • 2 = every fortnight 
  • 3 to 9 = etc. etc. 

Rate Required?*

Automatically set this based on the selected Contract Service and the value set for this in Negotiated Rates Apply? 

Override Rate

Rate Verified

Suspend Debtor Invoices?*

Suspend Debtor Invoices Reason

When Suspend Debtor Invoices = Yes, a reason should be selected.


Once a record has been saved, 5 new Tabs will become available:

  • Rates – See below 
  • Charge Per Week – To be able to view a historic record of the charges over the lifetime of the record.  Most useful when fix rates apply which are associated with the Contract Service record 
  • Finance Transactions – When Finance Transactions are created (will be created automatically via Scheduled Jobs (Trigger records) once the Status = Completed) and have the same Person Contract Service, they are listed here for information 
  • Bed Allocation (Occupancy) – See below 
  • Person Contract Service Absence – Records will be automatically displayed when a Person Absence record is recorded that links to this Person Contract Service.  This would normally be because there can be Charging Rules created that affects the charge.

Rates tab

Record the charge rate applicable for this service.  Multiple records can be recorded where rates are determined by times and days of week (Validation prevents rates overlapping, so only one rate can apply at any one time of any one day). 

This tab is only visible where Rate Required? = Yes 

Data Item 


Person Contract Service 

The Person Contract Service to which this record will be allocated 

[system will default as these records can only be created from a Person Contract Service record] 

Start Date 

Record the date from which this rate will apply

End Date 

Record the date at which this rate will end


Record the chargeable rate  

Rate Unit 

Identifies the Rate Unit 

[defaulted as per the Person Contract Service] 

Time Band Start 

Select the time from which this rate will apply (for the selected days) 

[this field is only active where the selected Rate Unit has a value of Yes in the Time and Days? field] 

Time Band End 

Select the time this rate will end (for the selected days) 

[this field is only active where the selected Rate Unit has a value of Yes in the Time and Days? field] 

Bank Holiday Type 

This field is intended for future use 

Bank Holiday Rate 

Record the chargeable rate that applies on dates identified as Bank Holidays 

Select All Days 

Indicate whether to use the specified Rate for all days of the week

Monday to Sunday 

Where Select All Days = No, select which days of the week will use the specified Rate 

Bed Allocation (Occupancy) tab

Allocate the room in which the Service User will be placed for Residential Care (available only where for the Contract Service selected, Rooms Apply? = Yes).  This can be recorded at any time and can also be used to reallocate the Service User to a new room.  This (re)allocation does NOT affect the Service User’s charge; if it should affect the charge, a new Person Contract Service record should be created recording the new rate applicable. 

Once a Service User has been allocated a room, the Bed Management functionality is available for Care Workers 

Data Item 


Person Contract Service

The Person Contract Service to which this record will be allocated

[system will default as these records can only be created from a Person Contract Service record] 


The Establishment to which this record will be allocated

[system will default based on the Establishment on the Person Contract record to which the Person Contract Service record is allocated] 

Sub Location 

Select the Sub Location of Room 


Select the Room 


Select the Bed in the Room (in most cases there will only be one record to select) 

Start Date/Time 

Record the date/time the Service User is placed in this room/bed  

End Date/Time 

Record the date/time the Service User is removed from this room/bed 

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Using Contract Services

Adding a Person Contract
