Adding a Contract Scheme

Steve Findon Updated by Steve Findon

The purpose of adding Contract Schemes is to create contracts between an Establishment and a Funder for the Services (including Private Services) provided, and to allocate the relevant settings which will be used to generate Charges and Finance Invoices.

To add a Contract Scheme:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Finance Admin. The 'Finance Admin' page is displayed.
  1. Expand Person Contracts, and select Contract Schemes.
  1. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar.
  2. Complete the following fields (mandatory fields are marked with *): 




Name of the Contract Scheme.


Needs to be a unique number.

Gov Code

The Gov Code can be provided (optional).


If you don’t want this record to be in use yet, select the Yes option.

Start Date*

Start date of Contract Scheme (defaults to the current date).

End Date

End date of Contract Scheme (leave blank if you don’t want this scheme to end).

Valid For Export


Indicate whether this record can be exported.

Responsible Team*

This is the primary team in which staff members will work, for contracts with this Contract Scheme (defaults to the current user’s team).

Responsible User*

This is the user responsible for the Contract Scheme.


Select the Location from which Services will be provided (BO = Provider and will be limited to those records where its Provider Type has Establishment? = Yes, via BO = Organisation Type) 


This option should be used if the Service User / Person is providing the funding themselves for the services they are using.


Select who is the Commissioner of the Contract (the Organisation responsible for paying for the Service). Where it is the Service User that is commissioning the Service and therefore will be paying for Services, select the same record as selected in the Establishment field.

Limited to those records where its Provider Type has Funder? = Yes or has Establishment? = Yes, via BO = Organisation Type.

Finance Code 

Select the Finance Code value (list available will be those Finance Codes created where Location Code = Contract Scheme). This will be used to help generate the Full Finance Code on a Person Contract Service. This setting is optional.

Finance Code Updateable On Person Contract Service?*

Select from the following: 

  • = No (Default) - Prevents the Finance Code from being updateable when a Person Contract Service record is being created 
  • = Yes - Enables the Finance Code to be updateable when a Person Contract Service record is being created 

This option can be updated at any time after the record has been created 

  1. Select the Save button on the toolbar.

Once a record has been saved, two new tabs will become available in the Full Screen View: 

  • Finance Code Mapping - Provides the ability to add a mapping for how a Finance Code should be constructed. This will be used to populate the Person Contract Service and associated Finance Transactions.
  • Finance Transactions - When Finance Transactions are created and have the same Contract Scheme, they are listed here for information.

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Ending a Person Contract

Adding a Service
