
Person Absences

Steve Findon Updated by Steve Findon

Create records that identify periods of Absence with Reasons, for a given date range.

Charging Rules can be optionally associated with the Absence Reasons (so that absences can be recorded for information) in order for charges to be reduced as defined on the Rule. 

It is not mandatory to record an Actual or Planned End Date.  If the Service User is absent indefinitely and no return date is known, but you know they are likely to return, recording a Planned End Date enables the full charging rate to continue after the End Date, thus maintaining a more accurate commitment figure. As invoicing periods move on, e.g. every four weeks, you can move the Planned End Date on four weeks. Record the Actual End Date as soon as it is known. 

Absences can only be associated with Person Contracts.

To access Person Absences:

  1. Navigate to People > People > People We Support.
  2. Open a Person record.
  3. Select Menu > Daily Care > Absences.
  4. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar to create a new Absence or click on an existing one to view/edit.
  5. Complete the fields on the page, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.




The Service User to which the Absence will be allocated

[will default as these records can only be created from a Person record] 

Absence Reason*

Select the Reason for the Absence 

Planned Start Date And Time 

Record the date/time from the Absence is expected to start (only record where the actual start date/time is not known) 

Planned End Date And Time 

Record the date/time the Absence is expected to end (only record where the actual end date/time is not known) 

Actual Start Date And Time 

Record the actual date/time the Absence starts (when known)

Actual End Date And Time 

Record the actual date/time the absence ends (when known) 

Person Contract*

Select the Person Contract(s) that the Absence is applicable to


Set the record as inactive (defaults to No)

Notified Date And Time*

Record the date and time that notification of the absence was received

De-allocate staff from scheduled bookings?

Select whether staff should be unassigned from scheduled bookings for the selected Person Contract (defaults to No)

Open-ended Absence

Where a Person Absence is entered with no Planned or Actual End Date, an option is available to de-allocate staff from scheduled bookings. When set to yes, any bookings in the Provider Schedule for the selected Person Contract will change to unallocated. This enables staff members to be scheduled onto other bookings during the period that the Person remains absent.

Person Absence Bookings

When a Person Absence record is saved with either a Planned End Date and Time or an Actual End Date and Time, a booking will be created in the Person Diary for the selected Person Contract(s). The Booking Type used to create this booking is defined in Scheduling Setup (see the article Setting up Scheduling and Rostering for more information).

Bookings will not be created if the selected Person Contract(s) is not enabled for scheduled bookings.

Until an Actual End Date is entered for a Person Absence, any edits to the absence record will be reflected on any associated absence booking. When an Actual End Date is added to a Person Absence, any associated absence bookings will be set to Confirmed and the Person Absence will no longer be editable.

When a Person Absence is entered or updated with either a Planned End Date or an Actual End Date, a list of existing bookings that occur during the absence period will be presented for review:

An option from the drop down menu must be selected to continue to save the absence:

When 'Cancel selected bookings only' is chosen, the checkboxes can be used to identify the specific bookings that should be cancelled. Bookings that are not selected will remain in the Diary.

Bookings selected for cancellation will be cancelled with the Cancellation Reason: "Service User Absent".

Removing a Person Absence Booking

Bookings created from a Person Absence cannot be edited or deleted from the Diary. Instead, the Person Absence can be made inactive by navigating to the related Person Absence and setting the 'Inactive' field to 'Yes'. When saved, all related bookings will be removed.

This action will not reinstate any bookings cancelled as a result of the absence.

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