Data Import File

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

After you have created/edited and understood the Data Migration Maps, use can use it to prepare your Data Import File.

Let's take a look at an example for Public Holidays.

  1. Export the Data Migration Map (or Data Migration Package). For this example we have downloaded the 'BankHoliday_SetupData' map.
  2. Open/extract the ZIP file.

  1. Open the CSV file (e.g. BankHoliday.csv). For this

  1. Complete the data under the column headers (for this example you can use the Public Holidays article to help you complete this). If you need initial guidance on field format, please refer to the DataMigrationMaps.docx file in the ZIP file.
For the example, the mandatory fields are HolidayDate and Name. While adding this information through the front end might be accepted, this does not necessarily imply the file will import with the other fields left empty. So you may need to go through some trial and error before your Import File is accepted by the system.

  1. Select the Save button.

You can now proceed with the Data Import Process.

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Data Migration Packages

Data Import Processes
