Introduction to System Dashboards

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

System Dashboards provide a single-screen view of essential data for users and teams. While accessible to everyone in your organisation by default, access can be restricted to specific Security Profiles if needed.

These dashboards are built using customisable widgets that can display data in various formats: grids, lists, charts (including those with drill-through capabilities), external web pages (via iFrames), and HTML resources.

Users can access System Dashboards through a Dashboards tab on their Home Screen, or by navigating to Reporting > Reporting > Dashboard. This will show the following page:

A similar Dashboard drop-down appears on the Home Screen (see the Creating a Home Screen articles for more details).

Over a hundred System Dashboards are provided with the system as standard and are controlled by OneAdvanced.

Please do not make changes to these Dashboards as your changes will be overridden by the next product release.

Instead you can turn them off and make copies of the System Dashboard to manage yourself.

To turn off a System Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Views and Dashboards > System Dashboards. The 'System Dashboard' page is displayed:

  1. Select the Details tab of the System Dashboard.
  2. Set the Visible field to No. It is this setting that will allow you to manage a copy of the System Dashboard yourself.
  3. Select the Save or Save and Close button on the toolbar.

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Creating a System Dashboard
