Creating a System User

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Staff member records are created and managed as 'System Users'. This record type allows you to capture information about the Staff member as well as grant them access to the system. For users who will use the mobile app, they will also need to be added as a System User.

Users creating System User records will require the necessary Security Profiles. If you are unsure, please speak to your System Administrator or contact the Support Desk.

Security settings such as Care Cloud permissions and team memberships can be managed on a user's record.

To access the System Users in your organisation:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Security > System Users. The 'System Users' page is displayed.
  2. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar. The 'System User: New' page is displayed:

Within the Key Information section complete the following. Fields marked with a red asterisk * are mandatory.

  1. Select the Employee Type using the drop-down provided. The following options can be chosen:
Core System User
User in a central function, such as Recruitment, Payroll, Finance, Marketing, and Training.
Provider System User
User who works at a care location (provider) such as Home Managers, Team Leaders, Coordinators. These users coordinate Care Teams and their work.
Rostered System User
User who receives a roster in order to know their work pattern such as a Carer, Senior Carer, and Cook.
System Administrator
User who has a high level of security access, doing tasks such as configuring the system, creating and managing Users and Teams.
Local System Administrator
This User has the same privileges as a System Administrator however they only have access to the Teams they are members of (whereas the System Administrator always has access to all Teams regardless of Team membership).

See the following article for more information on why the Employee Type field is important.

  1. Enter the First Name and Last Name.
  2. Enter a Work Email if you are intending to give the System User access to the system. Both verification codes and password reset emails will be sent to this address, and will be used to access both the web and mobile app.
  3. Select a Business Unit from the drop-down. All System Users must be associated to a Business Unit. Association to multiple Business Units is not possible.
  4. Select a Default Team. After the System User record is saved, the record can be added to additional teams as desired.

To provide a System User with access to the system:

  1. Set the Authentication Provider to Internal
  2. Enter a User Name.
  3. Set a temporary Password.
  4. Set Inactive to No unless you are still gathering information and do not want the record to become visible in the system.
  5. Set the Available From date.
  6. Select the Save or Save and Close button on the toolbar.

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Assigning System User Personas
