

A Provider record should be created for each Organisation so you can carry out your Invoicing and your Scheduling.

The Provider Type will be used to define how the system should treat the Provider (i.e. what functionality is available) and, within Organisation Type, can define a Provider Type to be either:

Provider Type



The location from where services are carried out.


An Organisation that will commission services from the Establishment, for which they will be charged.

To be able to use the Charging Finance functionality, one of the two settings above needs to be set to Yes.

For example:

  • Provider: Ash Residential Home
    • Provider Type = Residential Establishment, where that Provider Type (On Organisation Type), has Establishment = Yes.
  • Provider: Acme County Council
    • Provider Type = Local Authority, where that Provider Type (On Organisation Type), has Funder = Yes.

Other information can be added to the Provider records as required. For those where Establishment = Yes, then the Services they Provide and under which Contract Scheme need to be identified under Contract Services.


  • Records can be deleted if created in error and if no associated records have been created. If associated records have been created then, if these are deleted (there will be validation checks to see if they can be) then the Provider record can then be deleted.
  • Updates can be made to recorded values, except that the Provider Type cannot be changed as this is a fundamental attribute of the record.
  • There is no check for duplicates.

To access Providers:

  1. Navigate to Staff > Providers.
  2. Select the Create new record button to create a new Provider or click on an existing one to view/edit.
  3. Complete the following fields (mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk *):




System-generated ID, starting from 1


Enter the Name of the Provider

Provider Type*

Identify the Type of Provider / Organisation

Parent Provider

If there is a Parent Provider for this record, this can be selected (i.e. to create a hierarchy of Providers)

Enable Scheduling*

Select either: 

  • Yes – Indicates this Provider is an Establishment where Services can be scheduled through the Schedule/Diary functionality 
  • No (default) – don't use the Scheduling functionality  

Debtor No 1 

Enter the reference to be used from your Accountancy system to identify the Payer.

Preferred Invoice Delivery Method

Select either:

  • Email
  • Letter

Billing Email

Enter the billing email address which becomes a mandatory field where Preferred Invoice Delivery Method = Email

Finance Code 

(Optional) Select Finance Code (list will be those Finance Codes created where Location Code = Organisation) as this will be used to help generate the Full Finance Code on a Person Contract Service.

[only visible where for the Provider Type selected, in Organisation Type, Establishment = Yes]

Bank Name 

(Optional) Enter the name of the bank. This will be used on the Finance Invoices generated from this system to Payers, to inform in which which Bank Name electronic payments should be made to.

[only visible where for the Provider Type selected, in Organisation Type, Funder or Establishment = Yes]

Bank Account Name 

(Optional) Enter the name of the account. This will be used on the Finance Invoices generated from this system to Payers, to inform in which Bank Account Name electronic payments should be made to.

[only visible where for the Provider Type selected, in Organisation Type, Funder or Establishment = Yes]

Bank Account No 

(Optional) Enter the account number. This will be used on the Finance Invoices generated from this system to Payers, to inform in which Bank Account Number electronic payments should be made to.

[only visible where for the Provider Type selected, in Organisation Type, Funder or Establishment = Yes]

Bank Sort Code 

(Optional) Enter the sort code.  This will be used on the Finance Invoices generated from this system to Payers, to inform in which Bank Sort Code electronic payments should be made to.

[only visible where for the Provider Type selected, in Organisation Type, Funder or Establishment = Yes]

  1. Select the Save button from the toolbar.

Once a record is saved, where Enable Scheduling = Yes, Scheduling Booking Types section appears at the bottom of the record allowing you to link the Provider to Booking Types.

Additionally, additional records can be created via the Menu on the Provider record:

  • Activities
    • Appointments
    • Case Notes
    • Emails
    • Letters
    • Phone Calls
    • Tasks
  • Related Items
    • Addresses
    • Attachments
    • Audit
    • Child Providers
    • Forms (for Provider)
    • Provider Codes
    • Staff Membership
    • Sub-Locations
  • Charging 
    • Contract Services (only visible where in Organisation Type, Establishment = Yes)
    • Finance Invoice Payments (only visible where in Organisation Type, Funder or Establishment = Yes)
    • Finance Transactions (only visible where in Organisation Type, Funder or Establishment = Yes)
      • This is only a listing screen that identifies records where Finance Transactions link to this Provider
    • Provider Customer Account Code Trackers
  • Quality Assurance
    • Common Themes
    • Complaint & Feedback
    • Provider Quality Ratings
    • Reportable Events
  • Other Information
    • Provider Documentation
    • Provider Language
    • Provider Reviews

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Using the Finance Module

Finance Scheduled Jobs
