Introduction to Time and Attendance

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Staff members clock in and out for their shift via the CAMT device using their CPIK (Care Cloud Personal Identity Key) or scanning their badge. Care Cloud will attempt to match the clocked time to one of the available shifts in the Provider Schedule.

The timesheet is calculated after each staff member logs out. At this point, the role and the start and finish times are known, and a booking can be searched for. If the staff member’s role, the start time, and the finish time match a scheduled booking within configurable parameters, then the booking is matched.

If a booking is matched, the rules are then consulted to determine the late start and early finish tolerances and the amount of time to deduct, if any. These deductions can only be made when there is a successful match.

If a clocked event cannot be matched to a booking, the clocked event will be recorded in Care Cloud as an Unmatched Event and must be managed manually.

The following terms are used when explaining clocked events:

  • Raw Time: The precise time captured by the CAMT device when an individual clocked in and out.
  • Matched Time: The time that has been applied to a clocked event based on the defined start and end times for a scheduled booking to which the event has been matched.

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