Adding a Booking Deletion Reason

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The reasons displayed when deleting a booking are customisable. You can manage these reasons using two Reference Data options:

  • Booking Diary Deletion Reasons
  • Booking Schedule Deletion Reasons

These options allow your organisation to define the specific reasons for deleting a booking. When a booking is deleted, the selected reason is recorded in the audit log, providing transparency for System Administrators.

To access and add to the Reference Data:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Reference Data. The 'Reference Data' page is displayed.
  2. Expand the Care Provider Scheduling section.

  1. Select the Booking Schedule Deletion Reasons option. The 'Booking Schedule Deletion Reasons' page is displayed:
  1. Select the Create new record button to add a new deletion reason. The 'Booking Schedule Deletion Reason: New' page is displayed:
  1. Enter a Name for the deletion reason. This is the value that is displayed in the 'Delete Booking' dialog and the audit log.
  2. Complete the remaining fields if required. More information about completing a Reference Data record is found in the Reference Data Setup article.
  3. Select the Save or Save and Close button on the toolbar.
  4. Repeat for the Reference Data record of Booking Schedule Deletion Reason if required.

If you want to know how to add or remove the requirement for a Reason For Delete in the Delete Booking dialog, see the Configuring the Delete Booking Dialog article.

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Configuring the Delete Booking Dialog
