Scheduling Setup: Diary Bookings Validation

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The following covers the Diary Bookings Validation section of the Scheduling Setup.

  1. Select the Yes or No radio button for the Use the 'Booking Type: Clash Actions' Setting with Schedule Bookings option.
  • When set to Yes:
    • Upon saving of an ad hoc Diary Booking, a check for clashed bookings is performed against the allocated staff's schedule bookings and what subsequent actions can be taken if not satisfied.
    • The clash actions are defined by the Booking Type and the associated Booking Type Class. See the Booking Types category for more details.
  • When set to No:
    • Displays the Double-Booking Action field with three options to supersede the Booking Type Clash Actions.
    • Impacts all Booking Types and it cannot differentiate between Booking Type Classes.

  1. Select the Double-Booking Action using the drop-down.

Double-Booking Action Setting

Diary Bookings Functionality


No validation is performed.

Warn Only

Inform the user that ‘XX already has a regular booking at this time. Do you want to create this booking anyway?’, with the options to Accept or Cancel the creation of the booking. If there is more than one staff member, list the staff members.


Inform the user that ‘XX already has a regular booking at this time’ and do not create the booking. If there is more than one staff member, list the staff members.

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