Ending an Open-ended Absence

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

To end an Open-ended Absence:

  1. Open an existing Open-ended Absence.
  2. Complete the End Date And Time field. This also indicates when the System User returned from the Absence.
The field is unavailable when you create a new Open-ended Absence because the feature is dedicated to noting the absences with an unknown return date.
  1. Select the Save button on the toolbar.

Upon saving the record, existing Bookings in the Diary will be checked against the System User Schedule.

If there are no bookings for this contract for reallocation, the following dialog will appear:

  1. Select the OK button.

Any unallocated bookings in the Diary that also appear in the System User Schedule will be presented for optional reallocation to the System User. Only those bookings that occur after the end date of the Absence record will be presented.

  1. Select one of the Reallocation options.

  1. Select OK to finish.

Based on this Open-ended Absence, the one-day-long booking with Booking Type Class = Booking (to internal non-care booking e.g. annual leave, training) was created. You can review them in the Employee Diary tab on the System User record.

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Creating an Open-ended Absence

Removing an Open-ended Absence
