Express Booking Criteria

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The Express Booking process automatically transfers recurring bookings from the Provider or People Schedule to individual diaries. These recurring bookings, once transferred, will appear in the following diaries:

  • Provider Diary
  • People Diary
  • Employee Diary

To automate this process, you'll need to create an Express Booking Criteria, a scheduled job designed to populate diaries with information from the schedule.

To create an Express Booking Criteria:

  1. Navigate to Rostering > Rostering > Express Book. The 'Express Booking Criteria' page is displayed.
  2. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar. The 'Express Booking Criteria: New' page is displayed:

  1. Using the Lookup Regarding button, select a Lookup View from one of the following:
  • Person Contracts
  • Providers
  • System User Employment Contracts
  • Teams
  1. The Responsible Team will default to the team your user account is associated to. Change this as a required if your account has ability to do so.
  2. The following Status values display in the system – you will not be able to change these values manually.
  • Pending
  • Running
  • Succeeded
  1. The system will select the Express Booking Start Date and Express Booking End Date a full week in advance. These dates however can be brought forward or pushed back by changing the Express Booking Start Date by changing it manually or using the calendar icon to select the date.
  2. The Scheduled Job Start Date/Time field allows the system user to select a date and time for the express booking process to run. Once ran, the Scheduled Job End Date/Time field will automatically populate.
  3. Select the View Scheduled Bookings button on the toolbar. The 'Preview of Scheduled Bookings for Week Commencing...' dialog is displayed:

This displays the bookings To Be Processed and details about the booking.

  1. Select the Close and Save button to schedule the express booking.

A Results tab will appear.

  1. Select the Back button on the toolbar. The 'Express Booking Criteria' page is displayed.

The Status will change to 'Running' while the Scheduled Job for the Express Booking Criteria is in progress.

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Forcing an Express Booking Job
