Adding and Completing Assessment Forms

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

Assessment Forms can be added for a Care Plan to the Person record in the Assessments tab. This screen will show any Assessment Forms that exists for the Person in the following three sections:

  • Forms (Care Plan) | Person - New
  • Forms (Care Plan) | Person - In progress
  • Forms (Care Plan) | Person - Completed

To add a new Assessment Form:

  1. Navigate to People > People > People We Support.
  2. Open the Person record.
  3. Select Care Plans, then the Assessments tab.
  4. Select the Create new record button within any of the sections. The 'Form (Care Plan): New' page is displayed:

  1. Complete the fields on the page, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.



Care Plan*

A care

Form Type*

The Form Type look up allows selection of any of the available Assessment Types which can be applied. A large number of these come as standard with the product, but more can be added by a System Admin (see the Creating and Managing Care Plan Documents article for more information).


The following statuses are available:

  • Not Started
  • In Progress
  • Complete (the Completion Details section will appear)
  • Closed (the Completion Details section will appear)
  • Cancelled (the Completion Details section will appear)
  • Approved (the Completion Details section will appear)

Start Date*

The date in which the form is available for completion.

Cancelled Reason

When Status = Cancelled, a Cancelled Reason must be provided.

There are two out-of-the-box options:

  • Care Plan Ended
  • No Longer Required

Additional values can be added to the Form Cancellation Reasons Reference Data by your System Administrators.

Diary Booking

Is the form in relation to a Diary Booking? If so, the booking can be selected here.

Responsible Team*

The team responsible for managing the form.

Responsible User

The user responsible for managing the form.

Due Date

The date for the form to be submitted.

Review Date

The date in which the form will be reviewed. This will appear in relevant Dashboards and Reports.

Completed By

The user who completed the form.

Completion Date

The date the user completed the form.

Signed Off By

The user who signed off (authorised) the form.

To close or sign off an Assessment, the System User is required to have the Can Authorise Form setting in their record, set to Yes (see the Access to Authorise Forms article for more details).

Signed Off Date

The date the user signed off the form.

  1. Select the Save button on the toolbar.

Additional options become available on the toolbar.

To open the Assessment and begin completing the form:

  1. Select the Edit Form (Pencil icon) button on the toolbar. An example of an Assessment Form is shown below:
  1. Complete the Form.
  2. Select the Save or Save & Close button on the toolbar.

If an Assessment has previously been completed for the Person, answers can be copied into a new Assessment of the same type. An Assessment may copy all previous answers, none, or only those selected. This can be configured on the Form itself (see the Creating and Managing Care Plan Documents article for information).

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