Creating and Managing Care Plan Documents

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

System Admin access is required for this configuration.

The Documents area of the system contains all the Assessments which are accessible via the Care Plan Assessments tab on the Person record.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Forms Management > Documents. The 'Documents' page is displayed.
  2. Select Published Care Plan Documents from the System View drop-down to view existing Care Plan Documents.

The Form Type options available for selection when creating a new Form (Care Plan) in the Care Plans > Assessments area, are the same as the list in the Care Plan Documents. 

To create a new Care Plan Document:

  1. Select the Create new record button on the toolbar.
  2. Select Care Plan Form from the Category field drop-down. This is what defines that the Document (or Form) is for a Care Plan.

  1. The SDE Mapping Mode on the Document allows answers from a previously completed Form to be copied when a new Form of the same type is created for the same Person. This mandatory field will determine the behaviour of the specific Form.

The default option is Let user decide what answers to copy.

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