Access to Authorise Forms

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

To close or sign off an Form, the System User is required to have the Can Authorise Form setting in their record, set to Yes.

This can be found and enabled in the following way:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Security > System Users.
  2. Open the System User record in the usual way.
  3. Select the Details tab.
  4. Navigate to the Settings section.
  5. For the Can Authorise Form setting in the System User record, select Yes.
  1. Select the Save button on the toolbar.

If an Assessment has previously been completed for the Person, answers can be copied into a new Assessment of the same type. An Assessment may copy all previous answers, none, or only those selected. This can be configured on the Form itself (see the article Creating and Managing Care Plan Documents for information).

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