
Recording and Managing Regular Care

Mohammed Jamal Updated by Mohammed Jamal

The Regular Care tab enables the recording of specific care that must be undertaken on a regular basis as part of the Person's Care Plan. This screen will show two widgets with the following:

  • Active Regular Care records with an active Care Plan
  • Inactive Regular Care records with an active Care Plan

To add a new Regular Care record:

  1. Navigate to People > People > People We Support.
  2. Open the Person record.
  3. Select Care Plans, then the Regular Care tab.
  4. With the Regular Cares | Person - Active records with an active Care Plan widget, select the Create new record button. The 'Regular Care: New' drawer is opened:

  1. Select the Care Task. Additional Care Tasks can be added to the Reference Data by System Administrators.
  2. Associate the Care Plan to the record.
If there is only one Care Plan attached to the Person, the field will automatically default to the current active Care Plan for the Person selected.
  1. Select the Save button to finish. The Schedule tab will appear for you to begin adding to the Care Schedules.

When creating a booking in a Domiciliary or Combined Care environment, the People field is enabled for specific Booking Types. When a single person is selected for a booking, an additional tab for Care Tasks is enabled in the booking dialog box, and the Regular Care records applicable to that Person are displayed.

Care Schedule

Once a Regular Care record is saved the Schedule tab will be available to create a recurrence for that Regular Care (this is only applicable where, Mode of Care Delivery = Residential. See the Care Provider Settings article for more information).

To create a Care Schedule:

  1. With the Regular Care record open, select the Create new record button
  2. Complete the fields, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *.



Start Date*

Defines the date that the Regular Care should begin, and may be set to a future date.

A Start Date must be entered to create a schedule for care.

End Date

Defines the date that the Regular Care should end.

Select Time or Shift for care to be given*

The following values are available to select from:

  • Time
  • Shift

Select Time for Care to be Given*

Displays when Select Time or Shift for care to be given = Time.

Defines a specific time for the Care to be given.

Either a Time to create a schedule for care.

Select Shift for Care to be Given*

Displays when Select Time or Shift for care to be given = Shift.

Defines a shift for the Care to be given.

Select a Shift to create a schedule for care.

Shifts are defined the in Care Periods setup (see the Care Periods article for more information).

Recurrence Pattern*

A recurrence for the Care may be set as Minute, Hourly, Daily, or Weekly.

Hourly is only available to select when a Time for Care to be Given has been entered.

Recur every (x) minute/hour/day/week*

Defines the frequency of the recurrence. A numeric value must be entered.

Does not occur from/to

Available when 'Minute' or 'Hourly' is selected for the recurrence.

Defines an exclusion period during which the care should not be scheduled. For example, the care may not need to be scheduled overnight.

Days of the Week

Available when 'Weekly' is selected for the recurrence.

Defines the days during the week that the care should be scheduled.

  1. Select the Save and Close button.

  1. Repeat the steps above to add more records to the Care Schedule.

The Regular Care Schedule records will commit to the Care Diary and also display in the Mobile App.

Care Diary

As a result of the Care Schedule, Care Diary records will be created to define all the care items scheduled for a Person for the next seven days.

When a Care Schedule is updated with a new start date, end date, or made inactive, records in the Care Diary will be updated accordingly.

When a Care Diary record is completed via the Mobile App (see the Using the Mobile App for Residential Care), fields in the record will be updated to provide further information:



Linked Record

A link to the specific Daily Care record that was created from the Care Diary entry


The status of the Care Diary entry. This is populated as a result of the 'Consent' field on the Linked Record.

Before the Care Diary event occurs, the status is set to 'Future'.

Other statuses are Absent, Completed, Declined, Declined Completed, Deferred.

Completed By

The user who completed the Care. This is populated as a result of the 'Staff Required' field on the Linked Record.

Date and Time Occurred

The time that the Care was completed. This is populated as a result of the 'Time Care Given' field on the Linked Record.

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